Chapter Five

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"They don't know how special you are," I sang quietly as I sat in the booth at the café Harry and I sat at more than three months ago. I was staring down at my glossy black iPhone, which had my twitter app open. I scrolled through some tweets that mentioned me. 

"@StantonGianna I remember seeing you in Wembley, and you and @Harry_Styles sang." Attached to the tweet was a photo. I tapped my thumb down onto the link, and waited for it to load. I drew my attention back to the coffee cup with the small birds on it. The café hadn't changed at all, which was comforting, but was still full of the memories I had of Harry and I. My phone lighting changed, showing a great quality picture of Harry and me with our guitars and microphones, singing. I smiled at the memory but frowned soon after.

I hadn't seen or talked to Harry since that night. I hadn't texted, called, tweeted, or anything of the sort. We drifted, you could say. I wished that wasn't the case. I mean, who wouldn't want their reason for being alive to be their best friend?

I slowly went to the search bar, and typed what I had been longing to type for months.

Harry Styles.

I clicked on his name, letting my phone take me to his twitter page. I was scrolling through his tweets; then I saw it. He had retweeted that girls picture and added a little side note:

 "Wherever you are, Gianna, I hope you're doing okay".

I tapped my finger on the little star, favoriting the tweet.

~Third Person's POV~

As Gianna sat in the café that held some of the best memories of her life, Harry was sitting in his dressing room in Irving Plaza, New York. He wondered if the petite Italian girl was alright. He quickly made a spur of the moment decision, and went to his contacts, scrolling down to the G's. He tapped on the contact named "Gianna Stanton". Tapping his thumb down on the "call" button, he felt a wave of nervousness course through his body.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Answer," He whispered, as if him saying the word would make her answer. "Come on, Gi. Answer," He begged again, before hearing the line sound with a tad bit of static.

"Hello?" The undeniably beautiful voice shot through the phone. That voice could only belong to Miss Gianna herself. 

"Gi?" Harry whispered in disbelief; surprised that she even answered his call.

"Harry?" Gianna answered back.

~Gianna's POV~

A million things were running through my head. Happiness, disbelief, and everything else that was associated with being on Cloud Nine.

"Harry?" I answered, praying that it was really him.

"Yeah. It's Harry," The voice answered. I felt my eyes start to tear up; a smile creeped its way onto my lips. 

"How are you?" I asked, setting my spoon down on the saucer.

"I'm great," He told me. I could sense the smile on his face, even though I couldn't see him. "How are you doing?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"I'm doing okay," I answered honestly.

"Where are you?" Harry asked, probably hearing the small 'ding' from the door f the café closing.

"Do you remember the little café we went to when you were in London?"

"The café with the little birds on the cups?" He asked.

"Yeah. That one. I'm just sitting here with a cup of tea, waiting on Laura to meet me. She got a job at a music store and we're meeting here after she finishes her shift," I explain, watching some people walk across the street.

"I remember going there with you. That was a great little spot<" He said. I nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see me.

"It hasn't changed at all," I said softly.

"Gi, I'm flying back to London after my show tonight. I miss you. It's been too long," Harry said, making me choke on my tea.

"You don't have to do that," I said, trying to cover my cough. Although I really wanted to see him, I didn't want him to go out of his way for me. 

"You're not going to change my mind. I'll see you in a few hours," He rushed out.

"See you then," I whispered, a smile immediately forming on my lips, before I ended the call. 

The café door opened, bringing in a cool waft of air. Laura walked over to our booth, her cheeks red from the cold weather. Her brown leather jacket had snow flakes on it, as well as her light pink scarf.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late. I had to help a kid pick out a guitar. He was trying to choose between a blue Fender or a black Washburn Acoustic," She said, sitting down across from me.

"It's fine," I simply say, setting my phone down on the table.

"What's up?" She asked, taking a sip from her Starbucks

"Just got off the phone," I said, gesturing to my phone with a tilt of my chin. I take a sip of me tea.

"With who?" She stared at me as she set her cup down.

"Harry," I answer, trying to contain the smile that was creeping onto my face.

"Really?!" She practically squeals, a smile playing at her lips. I nodded. "Well, what did he say?" She asked, getting more excited as every second passed.

"He's in New York for a show. He asked how I was doing," I said, re-running the conversation through my head.

"That's great, Gi. It really is," She hums, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"He also said that he is going to fly back here after his show," I was trying not to sound too excited.

"WHAT?!" Laura whisper shouted.

"He's coming to visit," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"No way," She said, shaking her head. 

"Yes way. He's going to be here around eight tomorrow morning. He just texted me his flight information," I said, glancing down at my phone.

That night, I barely slept.

Harry is coming home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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