Chapter Four

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As I walked backstage, one of my arms linked with Laura's, my free hand carrying my guitar, I became extremely nervous. With the roar of the inside crowd, the crowd outside, and the commotion backstage, the vibe was unbelievable. I caught a mop of curls turning a corner, causing my smile to grow wide as Laura hip bumped me, lightly. I glared at her playfully as she pushed me towards the corner Harry turned. She laughs.

"Go," She whisper-shouted.

"Come!" I whisper-shouted back, jerking my guitar case in the direction Harry went. Laura rolled her eyes, planting her feet on the ground, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"He's your boyfriend," She stated, clearly stifling a laugh.

"Oh, ha-ha," I said, being sarcastic. "Come on," I begged, pulling at her arm.

"Fine," She sighs as we both start to walk around the corner. That is until a man with giant headphones stops us.

"Gianna Stanton?" He asks, while looking down at a clipboard.

"Yes. That's me," I clarify.

"You're dressing room is beside Harry's," He said, pointing at a room over his shoulder. The door was a creamy-white color and had a sign that read 'DRESSING ROOM 2: GIANNA STANTON'. I tried to hold in my squeal as Laura's jaw practically dropped to the floor.  

"Oh, and your stylist and makeup artist is waiting for you," He added, starting to walk away. That's when it really hit me. I'm the opening act and performing with Harry Styles. An artist that is known worldwide. My reason for even being here, alive.

As Laura opened the door to the dressing room, dragging me in, I couldn't help but feel nervous. A man with dark purple hair walked over to me, along with a lady that had auburn hair. 

"I'm Greg," The man said, giving me a smile. 

"Gianna, but call me 'Gi'," I said, shaking his hand. He nodded, smiling wider. We both dropped our hands as the lady with auburn hair smiled at me. 

"I'm Cass. I'm going to be your stylist and Greg is your hair and makeup guy," She said, shaking my hand with a tight, comforting smile. 

"Gianna, and you can also call me 'Gi'," I smiled. She returned the smile while nodding. "Oh and this is my best friend, Laura," I added, motioning towards my friend, who shook both of their hands.

"So, who's going first for hair and makeup?" Greg smiled. "Or should I pick?" He asked, after not receiving an answer from neither Laura nor myself. 

"You pick," I said. 

"Go sit on that chair," Greg smiled, looking at me. I smiled and walked over to the chair as Laura and Cass walk over to a rack full of clothes. "So, how do you want to look? Sexy? Playful?" I laughed as Greg smiled, looking at me in the mirror in front of us. 

"You decide," I said, as he spun me around in the chair, ordering me to close my eyes. I giggled as the brushes brushed their way across my face, tickling my skin. 

After about an hour, Laura and I were dressed and had our makeup done. Laura had her makeup done for the fun of it. I had mine done, well, because I was the opening act for Harry Styles!

As I walked down the white hallways, I felt the floor vibrating from screams of happiness and excitement coming from the crowd. I couldn't help but feel more nervous as I approached the stage door. 

The stage director propped the door open as someone hooked my ear piece to my ears. He handed me a microphone and my guitar, mouthing "3. 2. 1. Go." I smiled nervously as he opened the door fully, allowing me to step onto the stage. Curtains still blocked me from viewing the crowd. 'Breathe,' I reminded myself. I looked back at Laura nervously. She was standing in a spot that would hide her from the crowd, but would still allow her to have a full view of the stage and audience. She smiled back at me encouragingly, motioning her hands as if to 'shoo' me on to the stage. I nodded, still nervous. 

I took a careful step, being sure that my legs wouldn't give out and fall beneath me. I slung my guitar strap over my head and rest it on my left shoulder. Grabbing a guitar pic off the stand beside me, I walk towards the stage. The microphone stand got closer and closer. I looked out at the crowd, cautiously reaching for the microphone stand and setting the microphone in its place. 

"Hi," I spoke into the microphone. Looking at the audience, the spotlight focused on me, partially blinding me in the process. The crowd cheered.

"I'm Gianna. Gianna Stanton and I'll be opening for Harry tonight with a few covers of my favorite songs," I said, strumming the strings on my guitar lightly, making sure it was in tune.

My entire opening act was a blur. So many emotions coursed through me. As I reached my last set, I saw a few people in tears.

"You guys are probably wondering how I found myself on this stage, performing for all of you. I guess I will tell you guys my story, but you have to be quiet, okay?" The crowd grew quiet as they waited for me to begin my story. "Well I was busking in a subway station with my best friend, Laura. I was covering a few different songs before I went back home for the day. I always end the day with "The A Team" because it is my favorite song to sing. The reason for that is because that song saved my life, more than once. I was in a rough patch in my life and wasn't sure if I could handle anything else being thrown at me. It was to the point that suicide seemed like a good option, and just as I was considering taking that route, "The A Team" started playing on the radio. The lyrics pulled at my heart strings and I was convinced that suicide was not the answer. I struggled with depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts; basically everything of that nature, but the lesson I'm still learning is that things do get better. I met my best friend, Laura, on the internet a few years ago, and we have been friends since. She helps me with literally every little thing, and I can not thank her enough. Laura has been through everything with me. I don't know what I would do without her by my side. The point of this story is that things get better. Life is such a beautiful thing, and you have to be alive to see it," I smiled at the crowd before looking at Laura. I see a small tear gliding down her cheek. Someone in the first row says something, tearing my attention from my best friend. 

"Can you bring Laura out here and sing "The A Team"?" The girl asked. I nodded with a slight shrug of my shoulders. 

"I guess I could do that," I say into the microphone before motioning for Laura to come on the stage. The stage manager brought out a second seat for Laura. She thanked him and sat down on the stool, giving the crowd a small wave as I fixed the tuning of my guitar. As I strummed the chords that I knew oh so well, I couldn't stop a smile from spreading across my face.

"White lips, pale face
Breathing in snowflakes" 

I sang into the microphone, looking out at the audience. Some girls had tears streaming down their faces, while others were swaying with their eyes closed. I heard the strumming of another guitar. I looked around the stage, trying to find the source of the music. Walking out from behind the curtains was Harry Styles himself. 

"Burnt lungs, sour taste," He sang back, causing my smile to grow significantly.

This night was one of the best nights of my entire life... And it could only get better from here; or so I thought.

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