Epilogue: Let's Go Get Our Boy

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After talking to Kate and Jesus, who came back to help out, Javi looks around at Richmond, which was pretty much almost back to normal.
You and Clem meet up with Javi, who smiles at you two, until all of you see Lingard walking by. "You're alive." Javi said to him. "Don't remind me. I'm not gonna say thank you for keeping me alive. But I'm gonna try and find something out there that might make me say thank you....someday." Lingard said to Javi. "So where's AJ?" You asked him, angrily.

"You know her and Clem won't rest until they find AJ. Where is he?" Javi asked Lingard. "Please, man, for their sake."

Lingard looks at you two and said. "He's at McCarroll Ranch. It's not too far from here. That's....that's where we left him, at least." You and Clem look at him, shocked, then smiled with relief. Finally! You thought. "Thank you." Clem said to Lingard. "Good luck out there, doctor." You said, smiling. He nods at you three and walks away.

"So, both of you are outta here, too, huh?" Javi asked. "Yeah, it's time." Clem said to him. "We have to find AJ, Javi. We've waited so long." 

"But could you do me one last favor, before we leave?" You said and Javi nods as the three of you wall over to the park area.

"I used to do this for my niece." Javi said as he starts to cut your hair, Clem was sitting off to the side watching people run by. "That's nice of you." You said. "She thought I was terrible at it." He said. "Were you?" You asked him, curiously. "None of your business." Javi teased. You scoff as he continues to cut your hair.

"Clem and I have to see AJ, Javi. We have to see that he's okay." You said, frowning. "Do you think he remembers us?" Javi smiles and said.
"Who could forget you two? No one who knew you and Clem, I guarantee it." You chuckle and said. "Yeah. Maybe. Everyone told us he was better off. After everything that's happened, I'm starting to think they're right." You look over at Clem, who was just watching kids run around, playing, or at people walking by. "I don't know if we were good parents or not." You said, sadly.

"Did you and Clem love him?" Javi asked you. "With all of our hearts." You replied. "Then of course you two were." Javi replied and you smiled at him. Javi cuts your hair for a few more minutes. "There..all done." He said and you smirk as you raise your hand up to your hairdo to feel how short it is.

"Does it look bad?" You asked him. "It might not be the best looking...but it gets the job done." Javi said as he looks at your hair, which looked close to looking like a pixie cut. You nod as Javi looks over at Clem. "Hey Clem. Want me to trim you up while I'm at it?"

Clem looks over at you two then shrugs. "What the hell. Better to do it now than let a walker take care of it for me later." He said as he walks over to the chair in front of Javi as you stand up.

"Yeah, you do sorta look like a girl with that long hair. Maybe I should start calling you Clementine." You said, teasingly, while Clem smirks and crosses his arms. "At least I have a hat to cover my head. You look like you got in a fight with drunk barber." He joked.

Javi gives a fake offended expression to him and said. "And here I thought I was going to open my own hair salon." You chuckle as Javi continues.
"Keep in mind that I'm the one holding the scissors, Clement. I can cut off more than just your hair." Clem laughs and says. "I would love to see you try, Javi."

The three of you laugh as you start to walk away. "Well I'm gonna go find Gabe. See if maybe he wants to play one last card game before we hit the road. He better have his ears when I come back, Javi." You said. "I'll try." Javi calls out as you leave.

Clem takes off his hat, revealing his long curly hair, and Javi starts to cut it. "Speaking of Gabe, you do know the dude has a mondo crush on (y/n), right?" Javi asked Clem. Then he noticed Clem's right fist had clenched and he could've sworn he heard a growl under Clem's breath. "Oh my God, Kate was right!" Javi said. "About what?" Clem asked him. "You have a crush on her too." Javi replied. Clem unclenches his fist and sighs. "Is it that obvious?" Clem asked and Javi chuckles.

"Take care of her, Clem. She's a good girl. You'll never know how precious she is until you lose her." Javi said and Clem frowns. "I know...it's...it's just hard...to tell her how I feel. I'm just....scared she won't return the feeling." Clem replies. "But what if she does return them?" Javi asked him. "You never know, Clem. She might like you back and is scared to admit her feeling towards you, too. You won't know until you reveal it."

Not wanting to talk about the subject of unrequited love, Clem changes the subject. "Gabe told us you used to play baseball." He said. "I did. I loved it." Javi said. "He told us you fucked it all up, too." Clem said. Javi stops for a moment then continues to cut his hair. "Yup. Sure did." He said. "Well, you survived." Clem said. "I had to." Javi said.

"But you loved it. How do you survive that?" Clem asked him. "That's what's good about a broken heart. When you're looking at it all broken and shattered on the floor....you figure out the pieces you need versus the ones you liked. If you're ready to move on, that is...." Javi replied. "If..." Clem mutters.

A few minutes pass until Javi said. "All done!" Clem stands up and turns to Javi and asked. "Okay, how do I look?" Javi looks at him, his hair was alot shorter and it was parted to the side but it still looked like a first timer cut it. Javi frowns and said. "You know what? I'll grab your hat."

"At least you didn't cut off my ear." Clem said while Javi grabs Clem's hat.
"Huh. I remember this team. Your dad ever teach you about baseball?" He asked Clem. "No, He was gonna teach me when he and my mom were coming back from Savannah. But....then this whole shit happened." Clem replied as he puts on his hat.
Javi frowns then starts to smile again.
"Well, you guys come back, and I'll tell you all about it." He said. Clem smiles and said. "It's a deal."

The two shake hands for a moment then Clem looks at Javi. "If we bring AJ back with us, will you teach him, too?" Javi nods at him and said. "You bet. He belongs with you and (y/n), Clement. Bring him back." 

Minutes later, Javi, Gabe and Kate escort you and Clem outside of the gate. You two turn to the Garcia family and smile at them. Clem shakes Gabe's and Javi's hand while you go and hug Kate. You back away from her as you hug Javi then you look over at Gabe while Clem hugs Kate.

You shrug and give a quick hug to Gabe then you and Clem go stand next to each other before you two walk off. Both of you look over your shoulders and wave at them and they wave bye back to you before they head back inside to Richmond.

You and Clem walk along the train tracks when you two spot some walkers. You pull out your sword while Clem pulls out his knife and both of you take those walkers down, easily. 

Both of you jump down on top of a building then onto bridge and on top of a truck that was pushed up under the underpass of the bridge. You two walk along the road as both of you pull out your guns and fire at the small group of walkers that were coming toward you, killing them.

After taking them out, both of you continued on. However, Clem thinks over what Javi just said. He sighs as he looks over at you. "Hey. . .(Y/n)." He said. "Yeah Clement?" You asked as both of you stop and face each other.

He considers telling you how he's been feeling but doesn't know if he should or not. But in the end he decides not to. "Just. . .I'm glad you're here. . .with me." He said. You smile with a faint blush, wondering if maybe he means more than what he's saying.

"Yeah me, too...er...with you that is." You replied as you brush a loose strand of hair from his face. And right as you go to pull your hand away, he grabs it and holds it for a moment before letting go.

"Let's get our boy back." He said and you nod then both of you start walking again. 

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