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Author notes will be in bold and thoughts in bold and italic just letting you know.

I know the start may be crappy, however [imagine however in Dumbledore voice] I tried sooooo ya. Imma also have a challenge to see how long I can last without accidentally breaking the fourth wall, you're welcome. There will be a few references in here from Rick Riordan for Percy Jackson and for my little pony ... actually I dunno, but credit goes to them anyway. This book is inspired by Violet Evergarden (sorta) and Marvel and my wacky, crazy, longing imagination, expect what you least expected. Alright let the fun and games BEGIN!!

3rd person POV

"I have achieved what I sought to do, I have ensured the civilizations of the universes survival and peace for millions of generations to come, all that's left, IS TO DESTROY THOSE WHO WOULD DISRUPT IT!!!"

Thanos, the wielder of all the stones of the universe, was standing atop a wrecked space ship somewhere in America, probably Detroit according to the mangled sign a few meters away reading 'Leo and calypsos garage; best in Detroit', he looked victorious and didn't have a single scratch on him. This, however, was in stark contrast [see what I did there] to the 6 bloodied and bruised figures standing no more than 1 km away, their cloths were torn and equipment 2 steps away from a junkyard, these determined figures where what remained of the avengers. Natasha (Black Widow), Tony (Iron Man), Steve (Captain America), Clint (Hawkeye), Thor and Rocket were standing in the midst of a wasteland, nothing but dirt and rubble everywhere, as far as the eye could see. The sky was clouded from all the gas and kicked up dirt particles that wouldn't fall down due to the messed-up gravity that their fight earlier had caused the Earth to take on.

It had been weeks since most of their comrades had been dissolved and transported into the soul-stone, yet their rage and determination carried on, burning brighter than the fires that littered the ground, brighter than what Thor had ever seen, even in Muspelhiem. The wisest decision for them to do right now would have probably been to back down and revaluate their plan, but, of course, Tonys ego wasn't having any of it.

"seriously Fluttershy, you should stop taking those steroids, they give you massive mood swings"

"shut up Tony, we need to retreat for now and retry another time" Natasha hissed between her clenched teeth, she didn't want to retreat either but her inner assassin wasn't going to do something stupid out of pure emotion.

"yeah! Let's do this tin-can man, were gonna go in gun blazing and blow this B@sterd to bits" came rockets raspy voice

Just then, an annoyed look flashed across Steve's face "language" he tonelessly stated

Thor stepped forward "I agree with little racoon man down there, it's now or never"

Clint just shrugged and said "we haven't got anything to lose"

Natasha sighed and readied her sword in her right hand, the last grenade of her arsenal in her left. Then, as if a silent signal had sounded, the 6 potential saviours all rushed forward, yelling their own battle cries, Steve yelled "for America!!", Thor bellowed "for Asgard" Natasha, Clint and Rocket just yelling while Tony shouted, "FOR NARNIA!!!". It was as if all the sadness, anguish, frustration, hope and love, were coming up from their souls and out through their mouths for the world to hear, if there were to die tonight, it would be whilst fighting alongside their comrades.

Natasha was out front, bobbing and weaving between Thanos attacks while trying to land blows of her own, successfully distracting him while Tony continuously blasted him with the remaining arm of his suit, keeping him off balance. Just as Thanos was about to activate the gauntlets power, rocket held his fingers, preventing him from killing more of his comrades. "you won't be able to keep this up" he taunted to Tony "you should just go for the head" "nah" he replied "ill leave that to sparky" just then Thor jumped above him and sliced his head in half while yelling "this is for my BROTHER"

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