Chapter one

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I look at his startled red eyes, the only thing showing his surprise, and take a few deep breaths to calm down.

"Leave us." He says to the others. When they don't move he gets angry. "I said to leave us!" They disappear and Tom comes closer.

"I didn't mean to get so worked up. I'm sorry."

"Would you accompany me home so we can talk more in private?"

I nod slightly and he takes my arm and we disparate. I find myself in a sitting area done in medium woods and light greens. He calls an elf to bring us tea, and, after a brief assurance that there is no poison, we settle down on a comfortable couch near the fireplace. It isn't cold, but the fire is a good place to look instead of at him.


"Please call me Harry. I don't know why, but I hate it when you call me Potter." His lips twitch up a little before settling into a frown.

"Harry then. You said that you where abused by muggles. I know it's true from your mind, but Severus has informed me that Dumbledore placed you in a loving home. He said you were treated like a prince, and that you were arrogant and big headed. Is this not true?"

"Dumbledore said that? What the fuck would he know? He never even met me until I got to Hogwarts my first year. He left me with my mother's sister and her family. They hated freaks like me."

"You didn't meet Dumbledore until Hogwarts? But he's your magical guardian! Everyone knows that. He is legally required to check up on you every six months."

"Well he never checked on me."

He places a comforting hand on my shoulder and makes sure to make eye contact with me.

"Will you tell me? About the abuse I mean."

"I don't know. I haven't really told anyone other than Dumbledore. Even then I didn't go into detail. Just general ideas."

"You told Dumbledore and he didn't do anything?!" I shake my head and he takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Please tell me everything. I might be able to help you, but you need to talk to someone about it all. It isn't healthy to keep it all in like nothing happened."

"I- you won't tell anyone, will you? At least not the details?"

"Never without your permission."

I take a moment to adjust to the new, worried side of Tom. It's hard to believe the caring man in front of me is the one who wanted to kill me only twenty minutes ago.

"I grew up with my Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and their son Dudley. They always hated magic, but they still took me in. They said it was out of the kindness of their hearts, but I don't really think that would be enough. I didn't know my name until I started muggle school. Before then, I was always freak or boy. I slept in the cupboard under the stairs until the summer after my first year. I was given all the chores since I was five years old, and if I messed them up, I would be punished with either a beating, usually with his belt, or the withholding of meals, of which I got one small one every three days. I got water once before bed and once in the mornings. I started cooking all of their meals when I was seven years old."

I take a sip of my tea and avoid the rage filled red eyes staring at me.

"When I came back after first year, Vernon added another punishment. It was also something he did when he was drunk." I sniffle slightly and brush away a stray tear. "At first, he tried to get me to react to him t-touching me. When it di-idn't work, he gave up and, he tied me down and, he put his— he put it in my mouth and forced me to blow him." I cry. Feeling myself being pulled onto his lap, I stiffen, but relax when my head is pressed to his chest. "Last year he let Dudley do it too. I didn't want to. I'm related to them and I hate them and I didn't want to do it! Why did they make me? Why do they hate me? Most people have families that love them! I just don't understand." I end in a whisper as I sob quietly into his chest.

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