Chapter Ten

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Dumbledore paces his office, normally groomed beard and hair now tangled and unwashed, and eyes glowing with rage and desperation. Support to his cause is leaving quickly, and even his arguments about the greater good are not effective. He's even had several order members stop showing up to meetings, important people such as Kingsley Shacklebolt and Moody. Lupin still shows up at meetings but does not speak to him unless it's necessary.

Luckily, his ever-faithful right-hand man, Severus, has stood with him through it all. He even agrees that sending Harry to the Dursleys, no matter how abusive, was the right thing to do. Now if only they could get everyone else to see things the same way.


To celebrate the spring equinox, students were allowed to return home the day before, and go back to school the following afternoon. I found that it was more rejuvenating compared to the fall equinox or winter solstice rituals we performed previously.

Spring is seen as the season of new life, and it is customary after the ritual for couples to celebrate, ahem, alone. I didn't understand at first but was not against it. Tom and I celebrated a lot last night, and just thinking about it brings a blush to my face. It was so much more intense than usual.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are when you blush?" Tom asks from under me.

"Yes," I answer with embarrassment, cheeks burning even more.

He laughs, and I sit up. A quick tempus tells me that it is already eleven o'clock, and I have to be back at the castle no later than eleven forty-five.

"Shit I'm going to be late!"

I throw the covers off of me and make my way quickly into the shower, Tom following lazily behind. After a quick shower, which could have been quicker if I wasn't slapping Tom's hands away from me constantly, I get dressed and eat breakfast. Putting my glamour back in place, and Tom his, we arrive in Hogsmead where there are only two carriages left.

"Be safe Harry, I love you and I will speak with you tonight."

"I love you too Ryan."

I kiss him long and hard, then rush to hop on a carriage despite the fact they have already started moving.

"Running late there, aren't we Harry?"

"Shove off Draco."

He snickers but doesn't say any more. The Hufflepuff's sharing with us look at us warily, not sure how to act around the infamous rivals turned friends. Eventually, they start up a nervous conversation on quidditch.

"So, how were your celebrations?" I ask.

"They were well, and yours? It was your first, those are always the best."

"It was amazing. Spring was always my favorite season, but this was like feeling the essence of spring flow through you. I only wish it could have lasted longer."

"Well from what I hear, it does last longer, and even get better if you and your significant other let it, though something tells me that's the part you wanted to last longer." He smirks and I punch him hard in the shoulder.


"Fuck Blaise, marry Wood, and definitely kill Flint," Daphne states confidently.

"No way. None of you have seen Wood at practice. He's a nice guy, but a total control freak. I wouldn't want to be stuck with that in marriage. I say fuck Wood, marry Blaise, and kill Flint." I counter.

"What are you guys talking about?" Draco asks as he and the guys come to sit with us in our spot in the courtyard.

Neville and the girls and I have been sitting out here for an hour now enjoying the weekend sun. We decided to play fuck, marry, kill, and were all highly amused when even Nev joined in despite the lack of feminine choices.

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