Chapter Nine

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"Yes." I say in barely more than a whisper. "Yes!" I shout, knocking into him excitedly and kissing him.

He returns the kiss, hugging me tightly against him, and when we finally come up for air, I have tears in my eyes, and I can't stop grinning. He takes my left hand and places the gorgeous ring on my finger. I admire it for a moment, then kiss him again. Then I look at Dad and Remus.

"You two knew about this didn't you?"

"Of course. Did you really think he wouldn't ask both of us for permission before he asked you?" Dad asks.

"No, I suppose he wouldn't."

I get up to hug them both, and they take a better look at the ring. I can't believe he really loves me this much.


It's the thirty first today, which means it's Tom's birthday. Dad says he doesn't really celebrate his birthday, and that he normally just focuses on his work, so I had Mr. Malfoy cancel all of Tom's work plans for the day. I think that he thinks just because he didn't tell me when his birthday was, I wouldn't find out on my own. He had a lot of stuff to cancel and rearrange.

The elves woke me up early so I could prepare breakfast in bed for us. I made a breakfast casserole that was mum and Petunia's aunts recipe that I tweaked a little over the years. Breakfast is set to the side with warming charms, and I climb on top of Tom, kissing him slowly. As he wakes up, he begins to respond to the kiss, flipping me over at one point and grinding against me.

"You should have known that waking me up that way wouldn't end in just a kiss good morning."

"Oh believe me, I knew better." I smirk.

Warning! Smut scene ahead! Again, scene does not belong to me! The one who wrote it asked that I don't mention their name at all, so all I will say is thank you to the one who wrote this!

He growls, moving to kiss me roughly, hands already moving to remove the few articles of clothing I slept in. I pull down the boxers he's wearing to find he's already half hard. I knock him to the side, leaning down to take his member lightly between my lips, sucking gently. He groans, pulling my head down, but with the snap of my fingers he's restrained, reduced to thrusting.

My arm keeps his hips down while I slowly tease him with my mouth. When I decide he's hard enough, I release him, prepping myself slowly enough to torture him even more. Lining myself up, I drop straight down, gasping at the sudden fullness, and Tom cries out in pleasure at the same time.

Once I have a good rythm down, I release Tom's bindings. Instead of allowing me to continue, he turns me around so my ass is in the air, and slams into me as hard as he can. His pace is fast from the start, and it's not long before I feel his hot seed fill me, my own flowing over us and the bed. When we've finally caught our breath, I curl into his side, twirling his chest hair between my fingers.

End Smut Scene

"Happy birthday Tom."

His body tenses, and he sits up, knocking me off of him.

"You did this for my birthday?"

"Well, yes. I mean, you guys did something nice for my birthday, and Dad said you never celebrate yours, so I wanted to do something special for you too."

"Did it ever occur to you that I don't celebrate for a reason?!"

I jump back in surprise. Why is he mad?

"I'm sorry I--"

"Go away. "


"I said leave me alone!"

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