Chapter 1: Welcome to So Cal!!

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(Julian in Media)

Julian is on a flight from Dallas, Texas, to San Diego, California. He is looking out of the window, reminiscing about his old friendship with his best friend Arianna.

Three months earlier...

Julian's POV

I was getting ready for graduation with Arianna at my house.

"Remember, be as bad as you can be... and if you can be Beyoncé, be Beyoncé" Arianna said.

"Girl, what?" I asked laughing as I fixed my cap and gown.

"Hey! I am the Valedictorian! I can say whatever I please" Arianna said smiling.

"Bitch" I said laughing.

"Haha!" Arianna laughed.

"Are you ready? Cause I'm ready" I said smiling.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's ride" Arianna said smiling.

We went to the school gym and got in line for graduation. Arianna gives me a quick hug, before going up to the podium to say her valedictorian speech.

"... and remember... always be as bad as you can be... and if you can be Beyoncé, then be Beyoncé" Arianna said smiling as she finished off her speech.

Everyone started clapping, and as Arianna came back to sit down next to me, the principal walked up to the podium to speak. He gave us a long speech about how he supposedly "loved" the class of 2018, knowing he didn't. We all got our diplomas, and we have officially graduated high school. I met up with Arianna, after the graduation, and we shared an intimate hug.

"Oh my god, Julian. I'm really gonna miss you so much!" Arianna said frowning.

"I'll miss you too, girl!" I said smiling.

"Remember what I told you about relationship drama. If a guy wants you, don't let him have it easy, cause it makes you look like a hoe. Make him work for it" Arianna said smiling.

"And remember what I told you about relationship drama. If a guy wants you, don't let him bust it open on the first night, he's gonna think you don't have manners" I said smiling.

"Oh, I love youuuu Julian!" Arianna said smiling as she pulls me into another hug.

"I love you too, girl" I said smiling as I hugged her back.

Present day...

Julian's POV

As soon as the memories faded away, I felt the plane reach the ground, at the San Diego International Airport, and I finally made it here. I miss Arianna so much already...

"Ready to get settled in, sweetheart?" My mom asked smiling.

"Yeah" I responded smiling.

"Alright. Let's just get us a rental car, and let's ride" My mom said smiling.

"Alright" I said.

We got off the plane, and went to get a rental car. When we got it, we drove out from the San Diego Airport, and drove closer towards Downtown San Diego. About 20 minutes later, we reached California University, and we opened the trunk to unload all my things.

"What's your dorm number?" My dad asked me.

"Um... let me see... it's room... 317" I said.

"Alright. Let's get your stuff up there" My dad said.

My dad helped me get most of my stuff upstairs, and my last box is on the ground, as I prepare to say my goodbyes.

"Alright, son. I love you. Don't mess up" My dad said.

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