Chapter 4: True Love

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(Desiree in Media)


Julian, Kai, Brendan, Desiree, Natalie, and Lauren headed off to the mall. They shopped til they were half-dropped, and then they took a break at the food court. Just before they left the food court, Julian went to the bathroom. After coming out of the bathroom, he ran into Zeek. Zeek once again flirted with Julian, and Julian realized he had to get back to his roommates. Julian hugged Zeek, and as everyone was waiting, Kai scanned the food court to see if he could find Julian, and he saw him hugging Zeek. Kai lowkey became jealous of that, and when they got home from the mall, Julian noticed Kai was looking down. So, Julian went over to Kai's room, and Kai told him how he felt towards Julian, which led to spicy moments of Julian kissing Kai.

Two weeks later...

Brendan's POV

Desiree, Natalie, and I are just about to get out of Calculus. We're headed to In-N-Out so we could eat. Julian and Lauren are still in class, and it was Kai's day off today. I promised him I would get him some food too. The professor was saying her last words before she dismissed us.

"So, I expect those problem sets to be completed by Friday" Professor Stevens said.

She dismissed us, and we got ready to go get some grub.

"Ugh. Who knew college would be so hard?" Natalie asked.

"Girl, it's college. What do you expect?" Desiree asked smiling.

"Aight. I'm ready to go eat. Let's go." I said smiling.

We hopped into my Escalade, and I drove us over to In-N-Out. We went inside to order our food. A few minutes later, we found a booth to sit at inside, and eat.

"We should make plans Saturday night. I think we should go to the club!" Desiree said smiling.

"Shit I'm down" I said smiling.

"Hmm... I don't know. Clubbing isn't a thing for me" Natalie said.

"You don't like throwing that ass in a circle?" Desiree asked.

Desiree and I giggled for a second.

"Not really... Can we do something else?" Natalie asked.

"We can head to the beach on Saturday?" Desiree asked.

"Yes!" Natalie said smiling.

"Shit I'm down for that too" I said smiling.

"Great!" Natalie said smiling.

"Lit! I was thinking we could head over around 10?" Desiree asked.

"Sounds cool" I said smiling.

"Awesome! I can't wait" Natalie said smiling.

"Wait... isn't Kai's birthday on Saturday?" Desiree asked.

"Oh, right. And he wanted to go to the club" I said.

"In that case, I'll suck it up to go Saturday night" Natalie said.

"We're gonna go, and we're gonna get our boom boom pretty on!" Desiree said smiling.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah. Let's head out!" Desiree said smiling.

"Aight. Let's just get Kai's food really quick" I said smiling.

Before we left In-N-Out, I went to go order Kai some food. I got him a cheeseburger, with animal fries, and a strawberry shake. The food came out minutes later, then we hopped back in my Escalade and drove back to campus. We got home, and we found Julian and Lauren watching TV in the living room.

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