Chapter 5: Love Hurts

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(Natalie in Media)


After going to class and practically chilling all day, Julian, Kai, Desiree, Natalie, and Lauren watched movies. Brendan was out getting snacks, and he ran into a pretty girl on the way that he started crushing on. Then later, Julian ran into Zeek on his way to Starbucks, and they got to know each other, then they shared an intimate goodbye kiss.

Saturday night...

Kai's POV

So it's my birthday today, so I'm out with my roommates at the popular club F6ix here in Downtown San Diego. We sat down at a booth to have a few drinks. Our waiter came out with a set of shots for me. They laid out a set of six shots of Vodka in the order of the rainbow spectrum. I took each shot one after another, and took a quick breath after the last one.

"Woo!! Happy birthday Kaiiiiiii!!" Desiree and Natalie said excitedly.

"Happy birthday!!" Julian, Lauren, and Brendan said smiling.

"Aww thanks guys" I said smiling.

"You're 19 now! What are your plans?!" Natalie asked.

"I mean, there's nothing new. I already turned 18 where I can do most things, and I have 2 years til I turn 21 when I can do whatever, so... yeah" I said smiling.

"Anything you want to do tomorrow?" Brendan asked.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm probably gonna be exhausted after tonight" I said smiling.

After a few drinks, we heard the song Act Up by City Girls start playing, and I screamed in excitement with Desiree.

"This is my jam! Let's go dance!" Desiree said smiling.

"Yessss!" Lauren said smiling.

We all got up to head over to the dance floor, but I pulled Julian aside quickly.

"Hey, Julian. Dance with me?" I asked smiling.

"Sure, I'd love to!" Julian said smiling.

I grabbed Julian's arm, and led him to the dance floor. We leaned in closely to each other, and easily moved to the rhythm to each song. He recorded us dancing and yelling and lip syncing to the songs for his Snapchat and instagram stories.

Julian's POV

After a while of dancing, I headed over to a nearby wall in a quieter corner with Kai, and we leaned onto it. We talked a little bit.

"Are you having fun tonight, Kai?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah, a lot of fun! It's been a great night" Kai said smiling.

"That's great. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself" I said smiling.

"I'm glad I'm enjoying myself too" Kai said smiling in a slightly drunken voice.

I laughed for a quick second, and then he gathered courage to tell me something.

"Hey, Julian" Kai said smiling.

"What's up?" I asked smiling.

"I love you, Julian" Kai said smiling.

Kai leaned in slowly to kiss me. His soft lips touched mine, and it felt so good. We kissed for a few seconds and he pulled away from me. We both smiled, and I looked past Kai, and I saw Zeek, and he looked sad, then he made an angry face, and stormed outside.

"Kai, I'll be right back" I said.

"Okay, cutie" Kai said smiling.

I jogged outside to meet up with Zeek. I see him before he turned the corner.

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