Chapter 8: Desires

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TJ invited the gang to a Halloween party at his parents beach house in San Diego, and they seemed to have a lot of fun... except for Kai. The girls got many phone numbers from guys, Brendan and Jazmine are an official couple, and Julian spent a lot of time with TJ, then Julian and TJ kissed, and Kai's jealousy got the best of him, and he ran out on everyone. Eventually they found him, and Julian and Kai shared another intimate moment with each other once again.

Next Friday...

Julian's POV

Kai and I are with Brendan in our History class which is almost over. It's almost 6:30, and I'm hungry so I probably wanna head out to eat. Maybe we could all go to In-N-Out? I don't know. Let's see. Professor Branson is saying her last words.

"And that is all the time we have for class today, and remember I want those World War II 15 page papers done by Midnight next Friday. Dismissed" Professor Branson said.

We started packing up our stuff and as we were walking back to the house, I talked to the guys to figure out what to eat, because I'm starving.

"Ok, so guys. I'm starving. You guys wanna head out to eat?" I asked.

"I'm down!" Kai said smiling.

"I'm actually about to head out to eat with Jazz" Brendan said.

"Oh okay! Looks like it's just you and me, Kai!" I said smiling.

"That sounds so perfect" Kai said flirtatiously.

"Where are you guys going to eat?" I asked Brendan.

"We're going to Texas Roadhouse" Brendan said.

"Ooh! Texas Roadhouse is sooo good!" I said smiling.

"Damn, I gotta start getting ready. I'm picking up Jazz in an hour" Brendan said.

"Okay, go get ready then!" I said laughing.

Brendan went to get changed and ready, and then Kai started talking to me.

"Where did you want to go eat?" Kai asked smiling.

"Um... I actually don't know. What were you thinking?" I replied.

Kai searched up burger places on his phone, and then he found something.

"Let's see... Ooh! This Burger Bench place sounds pretty good. Wanna go there?" Kai asked.

"Sure!" I said smiling.

"Sweet! I'll order the Lyft" Kai said smiling.

"Wait!" I said.

"What?" Kai asked.

"You wanna go looking like this?" I asked.

We looked each other up and down, and then we went to change.

I went to my room and put on some ripped jeans and changed into my adidas tank top, and I put on my special red adidas shoes to match my tank top. I grabbed my phone off of the bed and put it in my back pocket, and grabbed my lip gloss to put some on before I left my room.

Shortly, Kai comes out of his room wearing a black and off-white t-shirt, with jeans and white shoes. He looked me up and down and then bit his lip.

"Woah, Julian! You look sexy!" Kai said smiling.

"Oh thanks! You do too" I replied smiling.

Desiree comes out from her room, with Lauren.

"Oh, you guys look cute! What's the occasion?" Desiree asked smiling.

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