Hatching A Plan

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Morning breaks...as does Ponyville.

*the apples bring forth Mayor Mare to Bad Apple*

Guard- *serious* This is The Mayor, boss. She's in charge.

Bad Apple- *slyly* Incorrect, my apple soldier. She was in charge. Now I am. *to Mayor Mare* It's time to discuss the terms of your surrender.

Mayor- *swallows nervously*

Bad Apple- *calmly* Worry not, Mayor. Under apple rule everything will run smoother and more controlled. *smirks* We will make sure of it. *serious* Your town can continue as it was under our rule, with the following conditions: No pegasus ponies will be permitted to fly without our permission. We can't have them warning other towns of our arrival. And magic spells will not be used against any apple. *smirks* Are these terms satisfactory?

Mayor- *sighs in defeat* I don't really have a choice, do I?

Bad Apple- *smirks evilly with a contract* Of course you do. You can sign this. Or your successor can.

Mayor- *stamps her hoofprint on the contract* *sighs* For the sake of Ponyville, I agree.

Bad Apple- *grins evilly* Ponyville is now-Apple-Only-Ville!

A new (and horrible) day for Ponyville

*the apples are putting the ponies to work by building them catapults*

Apples- *serious* More catapults! More lands to conquer!

*at Carousel Boutique, Rarity and Elusive are working on uniforms for the apples*

Guard- *yells* Faster! Our army needs new uniforms!

Rarity- *worried* We don't get it!

Elusive- *worried* You have no bodies!

*at the former Mayor's office*

Bad Apple- *looking at a map* I say we attack here next!

General Apple- *wickedly* Appleoosa, how could we not?

Bad Apple- *evilly* The ponies should have the resat of the catapults built by then end of the week and then we'll make our attack! From there, we'll move on to-

*outside the room in a barrel Scootaloo and Scooteroll are hiding*

Scootaloo/Scooteroll- *worried* We better tell the others! *they get out of the barrel and run off*

*at sunset the two are running to Fluttershy and Butterscotch's cottage*

Scootaloo- *running in worry* This is very very bad!

*they reach the cellar and they enter*

Scootaloo- *worried* Everypony, we have news!

*the cellar consists of the Mane 6, Colt 6, and the other CMC members*

Scootaloo- *worried* They're going to attack Appleoosa and then more cities!

Scooteroll- *worried* And then Canterlot!

*the others gasps in shock*

Twilight- *serious* Then we're running out of time!

Dusk- *serious* And we still need more information.

Fluttershy- *with the animals* *to the others* Angel and Lilith say their friends are doing what they can, but the apples are being really secretive.

Butterscotch- *nuzzles the two* And you two are being very brave Angel and Lilith, as well as the rest of you. We're so proud of you all.

Twilight/Dusk- *thinks* We need more...*looks at Pinkie and Bubble seriously* We need inside ponies.

Pinkie/Bubble- *with gray scarves and barrett's * *squints at them* Why are you two looking at us that way?

Twilight- *to the others* The treaty says that we can't use our magic on the apples but we can use them on ponies.

Applejack- *looks at her* I can't believe your following the Mayor's surrender agreement

Dusk- *sighs* The Mayor signed for all of us. *concerned* And if the apples find out, who knows what might happen?

Twilight- *with a spell book* Me and Dusk found a spell that will let us temporarily turn a pony into an apple.

Dusk- *nods* Then they can infiltrate the apple camp. Maybe even free Spike and Barbra and let us send a message to Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris.

Applejack/AJ- *seriously steps forward* We're ready, we'll-

Dusk- *admits* Not you two, Applejack and AJ. We need to send Pinkie and Bubble.

AJ- *shocked* What? But me and Applejack know apples better than any of y'all.

Twilight- *smiles calmly* Yes, but Pinkie and Bubble are much better at sneaking-

Pinkie/Bubble- *smirks* And disguises! *realizes* Maybe we should wear mustaches!

Dusk- -and getting into places they shouldn't!

Pinkie/Bubble- *grins happily*

Applejack/AJ- *sighs* Fine.

Twilight/Dusk- *activates their horns and aims them at Pinkie and Bubble* Ok, Pinkie and Bubble...prepare to get apple-ified! Or apple-ized! *sighs* Just stay still. *they blast their magic at Pinkie and Bubble*

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