The Hunt Begins

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* the apples are chasing the ponies off the streets and the vampire ponies discreetly hide out of sight*

Apple Guard- *serious* Get off the streets ponies! There's a curfew you know!

*the apples keep patrolling until they hear a noise in the alley*

Apple Guard- Hey, what's that?

*it goes quiet*

Apple Guard- *looks in the alley* Guess it was nothing... *something long and slithery grabs the apple and pulls it into the alley* *the apple screams as it gets the juice sucked out of it*

Nosfu- Rarity- *hissing menacingly at the shriveled up apple*

Elucard- *sucks the apple juice out of the other apple guard and spits him out* *concerned* Darling...*points*

Nosfu-Rarity- *looks down and sees that she's drooling* *disgusted and wipes the drool off her lip* Most unpleasant....

*the two fly off*

Elucard- *smiles at her* That's two.

Nosfu- Rarity- *smiles* Also, yum!

*they Vampire 10 go at large and starts hunting apples*

Apple Guard- *worried* What was that?

*on the roof*

Nosfu-Rarity/Elucard- *ready to pounce with grinning sinisterly*

Apple Guard- *scared* Who are you?

Countess Sparkle- *smirks* Countess Sparkle and Count Shine. *realizes* I like the sound of those.

Count Shine- *nods with a smirk* It was nice to make your acquaintance...briefly.

*the two hiss dangerously and lean towards the apple with evil smiles*

Drinkie/Sippy- *perched* *smiles* We could get used to this.

Rainbow Bite/Rainbow Fang- *flying and chasing apples* We've gotten the hang of our wings now!

Appledrac- *sighs* To fight monsters...we've become monsters...

AD- *sighs* Irony at it's finest...

*the two drain the apples of their juice and take off*

Drinkie- *smiles* We really like being sneaky!

Countess Sparkle- *smiles* Good! Because it's time for the next phase of our plan.

*at Sweet Apple Acres*

Apples- *getting the juice sucked out of them* What the-! It's horrible!

*Drinkie, Sippy, Nosfu-Rarity, and Elucard drain the other apples*

Nosfu-Rarity/Elucard- *smirks* No darling, it's fabulous!

Spike/Barbra- *to Rarity and Elusive* Rarity, Elusive! Those are good looks on you guys!

Good Apple- *concerned* The locks will still respond to apples only.

Sippy- *sighs happily* Oh, we're full of apples. Trust me.

Drinkie- *breaks the cages* *smiles* Plus you know, VAMPIRE STRENGTH!

Nosfu-Rarity- *calmly* I don't know where these malicious and succulent apples came from-

Spike- *raises claw* Oh, we do! We do! *explains* A meteor landed in the orchard! That's what changed the apples! And they're looking to bring it with them on their next attack to change the apples in Appleoosa.

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