Chapter One

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Anna's POV

Looking out my murky bedroom window and hearing the screams of what is now my ex-boyfriend, collecting his things in anger, and leaving. The door slams shut and the whole house rattles. I sink into the cushioned windowsill, holding the necklace he gave me for our three year anniversary. I watch him throw his belongings into the boot of his car and drive away. I shut my eyes tight and a tear trickles down my face, leaving a path of black mascara rolling over my cheek. When I close my eyes, it's like I can hear him shouting at me all over again. My mind replaying the events on a continuous loop. I turn around too hear a light knocking at my door.

"Anna? Are you in there?" I cough and wipe the tears from my eyes. Walking over to the door my hands shake as I reach for the doorknob. I open the door and a cool breeze hits my face as warm arms embrace my shaking body. "Anna! I'm so sorry" says Maria in a cool and calming voice. My eyes suddenly flood with tears and I'm gently pushed over to the sofa. "Listen to me, okay. I'm going to make some coffee, then you can tell me what happened?" I nod, I can finally see who it is through the descending tears. She sits down next to me, placing the coffee carefully in my hands and her on the table. "So tell me what happened." She says, removing her jacket then picking up her coffee.

"You know we haven't been seeing eye to eye lately. Arguing, all the time. He said he had had enough and he started to get his things. I tried to stop him, but he just pushed me out the way. He told me 'everything was a mistake', that we should never had been together I don't know. Maybe he is right" I say, twiddling the necklace between my shaking fingertips.

"No he wasn't right, you two were so cute! Anna, you can't let him use you like some sort of doormat" she says

"Well he won't be anymore, will he" I reply, there is a short moment of silence before she breaks into speech.

"Look, you have to show him that your stronger than he thinks you are, okay? Rise above him. Too be honest, he wasn't even that hot" she says. We both laugh loudly and smile

"Thank you for being there for me" I hug her and she huffs as I let go. She looks down at her coffee then back up to me, with a wild look in her eyes.

"Come on, tonight. We are going to get you all dolled up and we are going to take you to the new nightclub that just opened, 3blocks away" she says twirling my hair into little ringlets. I push her hand away and out down my coffee.

"No, no. I don't think I'm ready for that, Maria" I say shaking my head gently. She grabs my hand tight

"Oh please, it will be fun! My treat. Please. We can get the other girls together and we will have a great time" she says, her voice is so convincing. But I don't know if I'm ready for that yet, I just lost someone I really cared about. "Come on! Show James your stronger than that! You don't have to find a rebound. But Its an option" she says. I throw my head back and grunt

"Okay, fine!" I say. A massive smile appears on her face and she squeals with excitement. I grab a tissue from the coffee table and wipe my eyes with a slight laugh, I'm not looking forwards too this. They will manage to get some men. I'll be left at the bar, with my drink. With trying to get rid of today's events.

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