hyunjin imagine

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introduction : hyunjin is actually a classmate of yours and you kinda have a crush on him.



"ugh math is finally over" you then got up from your seat and stretched. when you looked over to your bag, you realised that there's something in it that seemed unfamiliar. it was a white piece of paper. you took it from your bag, sat down and opened it up.

it wrote :

meet me at the front gate after school
                                                    - hyunjin

you were so happy that you could scream but you decided not too since the whole class and the teacher will be looking at you. so you just smiled to yourself and kept that paper. you then continued with the lesson. little did you know that 2 people were looking at you. one was hyunjin and the other was your best friend, jisung.

-after school-

"hey y/n! why were you smiling in class?" jisung asked while walking beside me.

"i what?!"

"you were smiling the entire time, did something happen?"

"maybe". you said while smiling.

"spill it".

"okay, so I received a note from hyunjin to meet him at the front gate after school".

"Ooo.. looks like someone has a date. oh look its your date, see ya! oh and tell me what happened".

you playfully elbowed him and walked towards hyunjin.

"so why did you ask me to meet you here?"

"I-I uh...wanted to walk you home!"

"o-oh okay, lets get g-going then".

its was awkward slience ( get it? hehe ) on the way home but hyunjin decided to break it.

"uh actually i wanted to tell you something". he started.

"what is it?"

"i uh actually i" he took a deep breath and said "i like you".

you were shocked, you stopped walking  and looked at him with wide eyes.


"its okay, you don't have to give me your answer now".

you didn't know what to say. "oh look, this is my stop. that was fast". you said awkwardly. before going in, you gave hyunjin a quick peck on his lips and said "i like you too" and ran away. ( i didnt know how to continue okay )

hyunjin stood there smiling like an idiot. after a few minutes staring at your house, smiling, he went walking home.

once you entered your house, you immediately messaged jisung.

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THATS IT PWEH. gwhat do you think about it? feel free to give any feedbacks or suggestions :) thank you for reading! ✊🏻💓

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