letters - yang jeongin

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today is the 20th time you received a letter this month. well more like a secret admirer kind of letter 💌. you've always wanted to find out who this person was, but you didn't know how.

one day after recess, you walked pass jeongin's desk and noticed something. wait isn't this sticker the one on the letters that i have been receiving? you thought to yourself. you then decided to ask him to meet you by the school gate.

you tapped him by the shoulder and said "hey jeongin, meet me by the school gates after school"

"o-okay" he was confused but agreed anyways.

- after school -

you were by the school gates, waiting for jeongin to come. you felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around and saw jeongin.

"hey y/n, why did you ask me to meet you here?"

"oh uh i wanted to ask you something".

"what is it?"

"were you the one that gave me these letters?" you said while holding out the letters.

it was silence.

"uh jeongin?"

"h-huh? oh yea," he took a deep breath and said "yes, i wrote those letters".

"i knew it," you said with a smirk on your face. "well guess what?"


"i like you too!" you said and hugged him.

a smile appeared on his face.

okay i know im bad at writing imagines smh. but i really hope you liked it. thanks for reading and have a great day ahead! 💓

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