cafe - kim woojin

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you were tired after a long day in school.  it was raining heavily and you did not bring your umbrella. "how dumb of me" you thought. you decided to take the shelter to a cafe and stay there until the rain stopped.

"how crowded" you said softly. you found a place to sit at and went to order a drink.

"here's your drink miss". 

"thank you".

"may i sit here?" a voice asked.

you looked up and saw a tall, brown-haired guy with sparkling eyes looking down at you.

"hm?...o-oh yea s-sure" fuck did i just stutter!? your cheeks turned red.

"you're cute". that guy said.

you choked on your drink and almost spat it out. your eyes widened and turned to him. "i-im what?"

"i said you're cute, oh by the way, what's your name?"

"my names y/n, what about you?"

"my names woojin"

and soon you two begin to chat. you two talked about how your was, school life, hobbies, etc. and did not even notice that it was almost 6. you took your phone to check the time and your eyes widened when you saw that it was 5:58pm

"hey woojin, its getting late and i think i should go now..."

"right, let me walk you home".

"no, its okay." you protested but he insisted.

-on the way home-

"hey y/n, can i have your number?"

"yea, sure"

you two exchanged numbers and continued walking.

"this is my stop. thanks for the day and walk home!"

"its no biggie, so i'll text you?"

"sure, bye y/n, have a great night!"

"same to ya!"

once you entered your house, your phone vibrated. it was a text from woojin.

 it was a text from woojin

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yO , so what do you think about this? i think its bad lmao but i hope u enjoyed reading this hehe 💓 MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄

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yO , so what do you think about this? i think its bad lmao but i hope u enjoyed reading this hehe 💓 MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄

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