A Friend? - Chapter 4

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Just like yesterday, Mizu headed into school, taking her class seat in the back corner, and staying quiet. And again Ikari seemed to appear out of nowhere, startling her. "Hi Mizu!" the boy spoke with a bright smile on his face, and his enthusiasm constantly confused her. "Hello Ikari." she responded, her voice emotionless.

"We should practice our quirks together some time! It be so fun!" He laughed softly, but her face went pale. Mizu still had a constant fear that she would hurt those she cares about again, which is why she always distanced herself, but training would be too close.

"Sorry... I... can't." she lowered her head, her eyes filled with a look of fear. Ikari has always lacked at noticing other peoples emotions, and hadn't noticed any fear in her. "Aww... alright. Maybe in the future?" "No. I Can't. You don't listen." she spoke very bluntly, and that was the first thing Ikari actually noticed.

"Do you not have a quirk? It's ok! We can still practice fighting together!" he smiled, trying to lift her spirits. "That's not the issue. I just.. can't, ok? I'm sorry..." After she finished speaking, she picked opened her book to change her attention to hopefully get him to stop talking to her. He looked down for a moment, thinking, before looking back up.

"You can talk to me if you want. I won't judge you or anything, whatever it is. I might not know you much but I want to." After he spoke he gave her a wide smile, and she looked up and blushed slightly seeing his smile, only to bury her face in her book. 'Whats wrong with me! I can't have a friend. It doesn't matter what Shouta said... Shouta...' she was deep in thought, thinking about Shouta and how much he cares for her, and he isn't afraid.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be rude..." she paused for a moment, laying her book down and looking at him, a slight twinkle in her eyes. "I'm just scared. I can't tell you why... but I'm just scared to be close to people..." She lowered her head slightly, unsure what else to say.

Ikari reached over, grabbing her hand before she could react. "You don't have to be scared." he spoke, and she froze, forgetting about his hand as her face went red. She stayed silent, unsure what else to say. "Woah your hands are so cold! Do you have a ice quirk? That's so cool! It must be strong!"

His words snapped her from the trance, and her face went pale again as she pulled her hand away.  "Too strong..." she mumbled to herself, but he heard her. "Well that's why you train! To learn to use the strength!" he laughed. She finally showed a small smile to him. "Your smile is pretty! You should smile more often!" he smiled back, and her face went red again and she lowered her face. She was happy to have people who cared for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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