First Day - Chapter 3

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Mizu had been training with the man, who she had learned is named Shouta Aizawa, for a while. He helped her to understand what it means to be a hero, and what she needed to do to achieve it. He also helped her learn to control her quirk.

Mizu quickly caught on and was determined to do everything it took to become a hero. She had spent years being afraid, and having others afraid of her, and just knowing she could change that gave her the determination she needed to change.

"I'm... scared. You won't be there if I can't control it..." Shouta had told her that she was to enroll in schooling, and she was worried.

"You know there won't always be someone there to protect you. You of all people should know that. You need to learn how to control it on your own."

"Doesn't make it any less scary..." "Since when are you a toddler? Our training hasn't been for fun you know. The only way you are going to learn anything else is real practice."

Before she knew it, the first day had come around, and she would be attending Junior High. It had been many years since she had attended school, and back when she did even her teachers feared her, and she eventually got expelled.

"Believe in yourself kid."
"I'm not a kid anymore, like you said."
Shouta smirked as he watched her slowly walk her down the hallway of the school.

She sat in the back of all her classes, rarely talking or acknowledging anyone else. She quietly took her notes, ignoring everyone else.

"Hello!" Without realizing, a boy had taken the seat next to her, and turned her way speaking to her. She glanced up, her face struck with fear, before looking back at her notebook.

"I'm Ikari! But if you want you can call me anything." he smiled at her, and she realized she couldn't continue to ignoring him "Hi..." she quietly spoke, head still lowered.

The teacher had called attention for class to be start, and she sighed to herself with relief. She went on through class focusing on taking her notes and nothing else.

As she went through her classes, Ikari continued to take his seat next to her in the back. She began to assume he was taking pitty on her for being alone, even though she preferred it. As he kept trying to speak to her, she sparingly responded, and when she did spoke quietly and as little as possible. Ikari had even sat next to her during lunch.

When the day ended, she be had hurried out, but Ikari managed to catch her before she could leave. "See you tomorrow Mizu!" and he waved before running out with a smile still on his face.

As she walked home, Ikari was the only thing on her mind. She kept be wondering why he can wanted to talk to her so much. Maybe he felt bad, or was forced too, she didn't know, but kept thinking about it.

"So?" Shouta said to her as she walked inside. "Fine." she was quiet and took a seat on the couch quietly. "Anything eventful happen?" "Some kids looked at me weird for being so quiet. One kid kept trying to talk to me."

"Make a friend then?" she shook her head. "I ignored him mostly." "Well then think of it as a training challenge. Make a friend tomorrow." she groaned at the thought of it. "Why would anyone want to be friends with a yeti." he chuckled slightly. "You're just cold that's all. Its not like your going to freeze them all, you know how to control it enough to not do that."

She got up and headed to her room to do her homework then train by herself. "I'm expecting progress tomorrow." he said as she walked into her room, throwing herself and her bag onto her bed.

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