piece 4.

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wrath in white
Anger is tattooed onto many bodies, yours was no exception. And it builds a barrier, a black barrier that I cannot climb over nor see through. And every night black turns into blue and every morning we paint in red. Although not always spoken, fury was constantly in the air. You never told me why you were so sensitive, why every breath of mine was like a needle in your arm. Every tiptoe made you explode, I could never figure out as to how. Looking back I can wish I would've stayed silent, but the urge to yell will always come back. I tried so hard to earn your embrace, although your arms didn't seem to want to fit me. Your angry eyes would pinch my heart, and I would back away. Oh it might be sinful, but I wish you would've felt wrath for everyone except for me.

wrath in black
Anger is tattooed onto many bodies, yours was no exception. And it hurt, it tore me up the second after i forcefully shoved my pieces together again. Because I gifted you drawings of love, only to get them thrown into my face with an endless scream. And eventually, everything went silent. You'd left. For a while, I tried to concentrate on myself, although I was not something I wanted to see. I needed silence for peace, and every tiptoe just sounded so damn loud. I would yell until everything would quiet down. And I'd sit there, in a bath full of anger, without you. And I would miss the pinching, the scarring, the tearing. It was better than these slowly creeping bruises. And they say they don't get your anger, they say they don't understand your fury. And it makes me rage, for they are the reason I don't have you. Even though you were the one to walk away on this bed of pain. Oh it might be sinful, but I feel wrath for everyone except for you.

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