Chapter 25 Tired Already?

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Aria's POV -

"You really what?" I asked in a whisper.

He was so close to me, his soft lips brushing mine, his minty breath blurring my mind, his cologne intoxicating me and his slightly wet hair making him look incredibly hot.

"I.." he started.

Say it already, you like me, just like I do. Please say it, I can't wait anymore.

"I really should get a shower now.." he grinned and I pulled away.


As much as I wanted hate him for ruining the moment like that, I couldn't because of the adorable smile on his face.


Louis' POV -

I really wanted to tell her right there and then but when she got closer I realized that I don't want our first kiss to be like this. With me being stinky.

I want it to be special for her.

After showering and getting dressed, I walked to the dining table where everyone were having breakfast.

And there was Aria, looking like a damn model in her striped shirt and ripped jeans.

"Oh cupcakes, my favourite" I grinned at Aria while eating one.

"These are called muffins Lou" said Lottie.

"Who cares" I rolled my eyes and took a seat beside Aria.

"Not you obviously" she said and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Yeah, Whatever" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"What happened to your hand Louis?" asked Alex observing my hand.

Got injured while bringing a rose to your sister. No big deal.

"Oh, I fell outside.." I replied.

"You need to be more careful Lou, why are so clumsy, does it hurt now?" Lottie rambled and came to see my hand.

"I will, okay.. and it doesn't hurt, calm- oww" I shouted as she touched it.

"Yeah, I see that it doesn't hurt" she said rolling her eyes.

"Don't touch it Lottie, I'm trying to forget about it" I said and she shook her head.

"But we're going trekking today, what if.." she trailed off.

"Nothing will happen, I promise to be more careful ok" I said.

"Yeah Baby, Louis is a tough guy don't worry so much" said Alex.

"Alex's right, I'm not five okay"

"You sure act like one" she said and Aria chuckled.

"You agree on that? Come on you're supposed to be on my side" I said and she smiled.

"You do act like one" she said and Lottie gave her a high five.

"Well what can I say, I'm a cute little angel" I said dramatically and they all laughed.

"You surely are" said Alex as Lottie ruffled my hair.


"Are you okay?" I asked Aria for the third time and she nodded. We've been trekking in the woods for the last 20 minutes and she's already panting.

"Do you want to take a break?" I asked her.

"No, I'm fine" she said walking beside me.

Alex and Lottie were ahead of us but Aria was walking slowly and I obviously wanted to walk beside her.

"Hey Alex, can we take a break now? I'm really tired" I said loudly so he could hear hear me from the little distance.

"It's been 20 minutes Louis, tired already?" he said sweating.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I play football on a regular basis so I've got a lot of stamina. I just wasn't liking the fact that Aria was so warmed up already but didn't want to say it first.

"Yeah, very" I said as Aria sat down and I went to sit with her.

"You're all red" I said eyeing her face and she shrugged.

"Yeah, probably because of the sun" she said.

"Wait" I said as I took my handkerchief from my bag and wiped away the sweat from her face. "There" I said when I was done.

"Thanks" she smiled. "Umm wait, the handkerchief" she said making me stop my actions.

"You want this?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'll give it back after washing it" she said.

"It's alright, you don't have to" I said and kept it in my bag.

"But Louis-" she started and we argued for almost 5 minutes that I shouldn't keep the handkerchief but we were cut off by Alex.

"Ari, Lou, let's go now yeah" he said and started walking with Lottie.

I stood up and offered my hand to her which she took and stood up.

We followed Alex and Lottie after brushing off the dust from ourselves.

We trekked along the way for a good 40 minutes without breaks but slowly while I and Aria had our hands intertwined.

I swear it was a heavenly feeling when her hand accidentally brushed against mine but then she just intentionally intertwined it.

"Guys, we reached the place" Alex announced as we reached a landscape.

There were many trees around, plants and flowers scattered all over the place and a bright sun shining upon the lake. The scene itself was really wonderful.

With that I felt Aria's hand loose it's grip and as soon as I looked at her, she almost fell down. Almost, because I caught her before she could fall down.

Her face was pale and her eyes closed.

"Aria?" I said gently shaking her trying not to panic but it was of no use.

"Alex! Lottie!" I called as I placed her on the ground, careful to put her head in my lap.

"Wake up Aria, please, oh god.." I said, I was almost on the verge of tears as I grabbed a water bottle hurriedly from my bag.

"Oh my god what happened to her?!" Lottie asked as Alex shook Aria.

"She's probably having a sunstroke, she can't really bear the heat" he said quickly.

"Should I put some water?" I said and he nodded quickly.

As soon as I did she opened her eyes slowly and we all let out sighs of relief.

"God, you scared me.." I mumbled when she tried to sit. She sat up but still held on to my arm for support which Alex didn't really like. I could feel the tension radiating through him as he saw Aria touch me.

"I'm sorry.. all of it just went black in a second.. I just.." she started but Lottie cut her off.

"It's okay sweetie, we're glad that you're okay now, don't be sorry.." she said softly and Aria smiled.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Alex.

"I'm fine Al, don't worry.." she said and he patted her arm. "Do you have water?" she asked me and I nodded but as soon as I offered her the bottle, Alex did too. We offered her the bottle at the same time.


She looked at me and him for a second as I took my bottle back. I could see why Alex was doing that. He doesn't want his baby sister to get attached to me.

Well, sorry Alex but it's too late for that.

A/N -

Thanks for Reading :)

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