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I am up, my clock says 8:56, and my head is aching a little. I'm so glad my shirt is back, even though I just found a few maggots crawling in it.

I am now at the ring, where my opponent is Острый Шепот (Sharp Whisper). She has a pointed face, short ash blonde hair (barely reaches her shoulders), green eyes, and one of those dishonor scars on her face. I hope she didn't get that from killing someone, and I hope she don't get one from killing me...

I almost thought that I was gonna die at her hands.
She didn't do anything at first, and I didn't want to either. It had been about a minute, and neither of us had done anything. I got up and was planning to fake her out, but when I tried to fake a punch, she grabbed my arm, and all of a sudden, I was 10 feet in the air, no joking! Unfortunately, I couldn't really do much while in the air. So all I could do was come up and get scissor-kicked on the way down. I got away before she could kick my face in. I got up just in time to see this chick barely missing my face with her fist. I grabbed her hair and slung her to the ground, not just knocking her out, but also tearing out some of her hair. The timer said that the match took about 3 minutes.
I dropped the hair and ran to hut #18, where I'm now waiting for some small children to leave.

There were many rebellions that occurred, but the most significant ones started occurring in 1925, starting with 2 of the leader's children, Chilled Death and Odd Death. The children had attempted to kill their mother (Jolly Death) when she had punished them for killing a fellow assassin. They were unsuccessful, and they were, as a result, executed for their crimes. Luckily, Jolly Death had a week-old son, Obstinate Death, who could carry on the legacy.
Another rebellion, which was in 1942, involved a child of a Cursed, Cursed Hope, who wanted to get a child from Obstinate Death. Unfortunately, she was successful, and she was put to death. To keep anyone from finding out, the baby was called Little Storm (after Obstinate's potential mate, Spiteful Storm), who be the next leader when the leader had died (and would be replaced with Sad Death, Obstinate's younger sister by 5 years and the other child).

You're screwed-Вы облажались
I'm screwed-я налажал
You're dead-Ты мертвец
I'm dead-я мертв

So, I've noticed Lovely is starting to get a little better. She started off trying to fake me out with a fake punch, which I easily saw coming. However, when I tried to grab her fist, she pulled back real quick and head butted me. It didn't affect me very much—high school football toughened me up—but she reacted very differently; she had gotten to the ground and started crying. When I started to apologize, she got up real quick and kicked me right in my business. Harley noticed this and scolded Lovely because, apparently, assassins weren't supposed to kick the pants of fellow assassins.
We ended training early because of that little incident, and now we're walking to hut #7.

So, the Soul siblings are telling me more about the huts. They just said that hut #26 was the assigning hut and that skilled-enough assassins went there and let their skills determine what type of assassin they get to be (according to them, it was the smallest hut here, being the size of a mere 4 legit huts). Hut #69 was the marriage hut (well, 10-mansion sized, they way they described it), and hut #75 was the sleeping quarters of the leader's children (being the size of about 6 mansions).

I'm now in bed, and I am still thinking about how much I miss my friends and family. Maybe I can think of something to ease the pain...

I can't think of losing you from my life; you are my laugh, my life, you are my everything...

My dream was the same as last night, and I still noticed that this chick was kinda teasing me, just by slowing down, and then darting off again. What is this?!

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