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I'm sitting just outside hut #5 so I can write in this. I'm actually a bit nervous about today. I'm scared that Harley will either bail on the workout thing or she'll try and find a way to kill me.
Oh well! Time to see who my opponent is.

It's actually three people named Steel Soul, Ivory Soul, and Bone Soul (I didn't feel like writing their Russian names because my hand is still kinda cramping from yesterday). Two of them look alike (the sisters, Steel and Ivory), with pale purple hair and scary-pale skin. The other one, the brother no doubt, has ash-blond hair and not-that-pale skin. The only thing they all have in common is their age and their eyes, which are an ocean blue. Well, here I go!!!

Dang, I'm impressed that I even won, and in 54 seconds no less. They were surrounding me, but when they got close enough I did a leg sweep and knocked two of them down. The other, who was the brother, jumped and tried to stomp on my knee. He missed, but just barely. The sisters came to and they were all surrounding me again. I suddenly found myself doing a handstand, and then doing the splits while spinning (it still hurts a little now). I managed to knock them all out that way, and when I looked at the timer, it said that the fight only lasted about 54 seconds. Now I'm sitting in front of hut #18 writing all this. I should probably go inside before I get into trouble.

There are many rules that the Midnight Shadows follow, but there are only 5 that one must absolutely follow, and they are:
1. No getting in the way of an assassin or their kill. Doing so can give the assassin permission to break rule 3 or worse, give the punishment
2. Kill only the target unless circumstances arise which give you no other choice
3. No killing fellow assassins. If your young break any of these rules, punishment may be administered (if given no other choice, young may need to be euthanized or killed slowly, depending on severity of action[s])
4. Target must be killed by or before midnight (unless understandable or admissible circumstances arise)
5. Your face (or anything that could compromise your identity) must not be seen by anyone besides fellow assassins, especially by the target unless assassin is доверяй шпиону (trust spy); no one (who's not a fellow assassin) must know about us.

She also had me try to say the phrases she taught me yesterday. I accidentally mispronounced one of the words in the "I want to borrow your gun" phrase, but she didn't seem to care that much. Now I've gotta write more stuff.

Go back-Вернитесь

I'm now sitting in front of the gym. I asked Wise Deer to teach me about punishments, and she said I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
I've also gotta study these new Russian words! At least it won't be as hard because I'm starting to get the hang of how these Russian letters are pronounced.
Oh no, I see Harley, and she's not happy. She's probably mad because I'm late or something, I don't know (or I hope I don't).
Well, in I go, I guess...

Laps in lake-32.3
Net climbing-44.2
Rope climbing-47.8
Laps to and fro forest-76.2

I'm now sitting in front of the gym once again, checking out these cool stitches I got.
Harley was indeed mad, so much that she had me do laps in a lake, which wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't full of crocodiles. I got away from them, but there were a few close calls.
Then she had me net climb, which would've been normal if it didn't have poisonous spiders crawling all over it. At least they motivated me to go quickly so I didn't have to deal with them (even though it took me a little longer because one somehow managed to find its way down my shirt).
Next up was rope climbing...with a large, dead anaconda, and I mean LARGE! It was at least 20-40 feet long, and I'm sure I heard the thing tear a little on the inside. Anyway, if that wasn't bad enough, she had me do FIVE times more exercise than usual! Seriously, how does a small little scar trigger this much anger? I mean, seriously...
But that's not all she did! She had me fight her again...while she had a knife! She stabbed me right in my leg, and she had me in a choke hold and she would've suffocated me if my aunt hadn't've been there. Luckily, she was also a nurse and patched me up, and I gotta say, this is a cool stitch job.
Oh dang! Harley's coming!

It's all good, thank goodness. She just came out to apologize, and she gave me a hug. Not only that, but she's also walking with me to hut #7. And yes, she's talking to me again. We're gonna eat real quick, and then I'll start writing again (as long as my arm isn't tired).

Here I am, sitting on my bed. Harley had asked me about my day, assured me that I would no longer receive harsh workouts like I got today, and she complimented my stitches. Also, the Soul siblings sat with us. They are so nice! They not only complimented my skills in the training ring, but they also said that if I needed anything (like directions, I guess), to let them know. They also told me a little bit about themselves, like that they're being trained to become surreptitious spies (sneaky spies who sneak onto enemy territory and "map out" the surroundings as well as eavesdrop on conversations). I also remembered to ask Harley why nobody just "teleported" to my location and picked me up from there. She said that I needed to know how, and that I'm not to learn because I'm "inexperienced" and that only "certain assassins and spies" are even allowed to be taught such a technique. Whatever, I guess...

I'm tired! I'm going to sleep.

Ok, I know it's 3:33 am, but the weirdest thing happened: I had the same dream as last night. I unfortunately couldn't tell if it was a male or a female, so I can't identify them.
I'm not tired now! I guess I'll just study the Russian words until I fall asleep, I guess...

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