Chapter 5

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Eren smoothed out his shirt, grabbed his jacket and wallet and keys and went out. He glanced at the time on his phone. By the time he reached there he would be right on time. Eren also bundled his neck with a scarf because the weather was still really cold and windy. He locked his apartment door and took the lift down.

He got out and made his way to the mall. Since it was winter, the sun was already starting to go down. Eren carefully walked on the pavements, trying not to slip on the ice and snow. He didn't really like the weather to be like this. Way too cold and dark for him.

In about 10 minutes, Eren reached outside the mall and quickly ran in for some warmth. He took his phone out and dialed Levi's number. After three rings, Levi answered.


"Hey Levi. Where are you now? I'm here already."

"Ah just go to the café on the second floor you'll see me sitting there."

"Okay I'm on my way."

Eren ended the call and walked to the lift. Then his steps began to slow down. Wait. Do I need to get anything for Levi before I meet him? It wasn't really a date or anything they were just gonna hang out. Right?

Eren dismissed all those thoughts and just went to find Levi. He found the café and Levi easily as Levi was sitting on the table nearest to the entrance. Eren waved a little at Levi and Levi just nodded. He walked to the table and sat down.

"Hey brat." Eren glared. "You're mean you know that." Levi just smirked. "Yeah I know." Eren just rolled his eyes. Eren took off his scarf and unbuttoned his jacket. He was finally warm. Eren just ordered a cup of coffee. "You okay? Your face seems rather red." Levi suddenly leaned forward to look at Eren.

Levi was so close to Eren their noses were almost touching. Eren flushed even harder. "Are you having a fever?" Eren shook his head violently which made Levi sit back down. "I-It was just cold outside. Nothing else." Eren bit his lip in sheer nervousness. Suddenly he felt Levi's hand brush over his cheek. His eyes widen.

"Yeah you're face is ice cold. The coffee should be coming in a bit." Eren just stared. Suddenly he didn't feel as cold anymore. The spot where Levi brushed against felt like fire and his whole body began heating up. He had to take off his whole jacket.

The coffee came and Eren sipped it, trying to calm his nerves and heart rate. He saw Levi drinking from his own cup when he noticed that Levi held the cup in a rather odd way. Levi held the cup just by the rim and not by the handle. Eren momentarily forgot what just happened and raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"Why do you hold your cup like that?" Levi glanced at Eren before taking another sip. "When I was younger, my parents got me this matching tea set. It was really beautiful and expensive. But when I was holding the handle of the teacup, it broke and fell to ground, smashed into pieces. Ever since then I had an psychological block on holding cups by the handle even until now." Levi answered.

Eren made an 'ohhh' sound indicating he understood. Levi's background was actually really interesting. He decided to ask more. He was after all an extremely curious boy. "Are you the only child?" "Yeah I am. I live alone now. My parents are in France who knows doing what and every month they send me some money. They are really rich. I of course have my own income but they still insisted on giving me money so whatever then."

Eren sat closer. "Really? Wow you seem like a really interesting person. Can you tell me more?" Eren looked so eager to know all about Levi. Levi looked at Eren for a minute before placing his cup down. "On one condition. You have to tell me everything about yourself later." Eren nodded happily.

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