Chapter 12

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Levi glanced on his watch. It was about 15 minutes to the 7th period of class. So far today was fine, no sick kids nor fake sick kids. All he did was just sit there and do nothing. He went out a few times to get a drink and some food but that was about it. And Levi was perfectly fine with that.

Levi just waited for some time, occasionally checking on his phone or reading some stuff on the internet. He figured he really should have brought a book or something. He sighed and closed his eyes. Almost immediately, scenes from this morning replayed in his mind. He smiled a little at that.

After three long years, he had finally, finally found his one and only. Which was a pretty big thing to Levi in a way or two. Eren was perfect to him. Despite Eren being nearly 5 inches taller than him, he could still tip-toe and reach up to kiss Eren and when he hugged him, he could hear the steady heartbeat of Eren's heart.

Eren was beautiful to him. His skin was so soft and smooth. His facial features were gorgeous. And the part Levi loved the most were Eren's eyes. Heck, Levi swore he could drown in them if he stared long enough. Eren was an innocent little thing, but could be mature at important times. Levi didn't know some things about Eren but he didn't really mind. He'll wait for Eren to fully open up to him.

Sure, they just started dating and stuff but that unexplainable bond between them that could never be broken was clearly there. Nothing would ever break them apart. Levi smirked. So this is what they call true love huh? Levi laughed at himself for being so sappy. But he didn't care. He genuinely meant it.

He looked at his watch again. It was already halfway in the 7th period. Oh wow have I really been thinking about Eren for that long? Levi figured Eren must have some important class going on and couldn't skip it. Levi decided to walk around the school since he was bored and it didn't look like Eren would come anytime soon.

Levi grabbed his phone and wallet and headed out. He made sure to lock the door first. He decided to go to the canteen to get a drink. It wasn't very far, which was great. He was almost reaching the canteen when he heard shouts. Levi walked closer and saw two boys standing infront of each other.

Levi's eyes widen when he saw who it was. It was Eren and that two-toned kid. The both of them couldn't see Levi from their angle so they didn't notice anything. Levi walked further to see what was going on when suddenly the other kid started shouting at Eren in a mocking voice.

"So you got the hots for that shorty? I saw you going into the nurse's office and coming out looking like the happiest kid in the world. What are you? A sick pervert? Liking a school nurse who is probably much older than you. You disgust me." Levi saw Eren clenching his fist. "Don't. Say. Anything. About. Him. Jean." That 'Jean' kid laughed. "So it's true? Wait till I tell everyone what a sick pervert you are."

Levi could see Eren flaring and boiling with anger. Eren was about to throw a strong punch onto Jean's face when Levi shouted. "Boys!" They both turned to look at Levi marching forward to them. Jean gulped and Eren looked like he was about to burst into tears. "What are you doing loitering during class period?" They both just looked at each other and didn't say anything.

Levi shook his head. "I'll speak to the both of you later in my office. Meet me after school. Now go back to class and I expect no injuries on the way back. Got it?" They both nodded and turned to walk back. When Jean wasn't looking, Eren turned to look at Levi and Levi just gave a comforting look. Then Eren turned back and walked.

Levi sighed and walked into the canteen to buy two bottles of water. He then walked back to his office. He didn't really feel like walking around anymore. When he got back, he sat down on his chair and stared on the ceiling.

Tonnes of questions reeled through his mind. Then he noticed how Eren was defending him only even though that Jean kid was calling Eren bad stuff. He realized how much Eren actually cared about him. There was this sudden feeling in his heart he never felt before.

Was it, being touched..? Levi never really felt this before as he never actually gave a shit about anything. It was a new feeling. It felt painful and happy at the same time. Like he wanted to cry out of happiness. Weird. Levi drank the water he bought and finished it. He then waited for school to be finished.


There was a knock on the door and two boys came in. Eren and Jean. Levi looked at them walk in and stand infront of him. "So, tell me. What exactly were you two doing outside of the canteen during class period?" Again, they both didn't say anything.

"Personal?" They both hesitantly nodded. Levi just looked at them. "Fine I'll let this slide for once only. Don't fight again or you'll be punished. You may leave but first, Eren I want to you stand outside while I talk to Jean. After that, Jean you may leave and it will be Eren's turn. I want to speak privately to the both of you about your constant fights and acts of violence." Both boys nodded and Eren went outside.

Eren leaned against the wall looking extremely depressed. Not only did he get in another verbal fight when Jean which had Jean talking shit about Levi, now Levi wanted to talk to Jean first. Eren sighed. He stared at the ground looking at his feet. Eren felt so insecure right now he wanted to just cry.

Eren scolded himself for being so pathetic and weak. This was another problem with Eren. Eren had insecurity issues and depression. He started having it when he noticed how everyone around him had someone to love but he didn't. That took a toll in his mind and he became depressed.

He didn't tell anyone but obviously Armin could see right through him and took him to see a psychiatrist. He was given some pills and Armin made sure Eren was always talking them. It didn't make Eren better but Eren decided to try to mask his sadness even more.

It worked and Armin thought Eren was healing. Eren had a façade on everyday but at home he'd cry himself to sleep and things like that. He even cut himself. But the scars healed up and couldn't be seen at all so that's why Levi didn't notice anything. But if you look closely and properly feel the skin, you can tell from the scar bump it was cut.

Eren touched it and felt it. It was about a month since he cut. He never cut deep enough to leave a permanent scar or need stiches. Just enough to let out the pain and hurt. Eren scolded himself again. Eren was a depressed mess and he hated himself for it. Then Eren realized that if Levi knew, Levi would probably leave him.

They had been cases before whereby two soulmates left each other and broke up. In the end, they didn't find anyone else and died alone. Eren's heart cracked. He bit his lip when tears started forming around his eyes. He didn't want Levi to leave him. Not at all.

Suddenly the door opened and stopped his train of thought. He quickly wiped away his tears and push all thoughts behind his mind first. He saw Jean coming out but he didn't even look at Eren. Eren just ignored him and went in.

He went in and closed the door. He was immediately enveloped into a hug. Eren hugged back and buried his face into Levi's hair. Eren could smell his shampoo on Levi's head and it smelt good on him. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Levi pulled away to look up at Eren.

"Are you okay?" Eren tried to smile but failed as tears began running down his face. Levi stroked Eren's face. "No shh shh don't cry. It's okay it's okay." Eren stopped crying and looked at Levi through tear-stained eyes. There is no way I am going to tell him about my illness. I just.. I don't want to lose him..


i havent updated in like forever im really sorry >< it's just that i've been really tired these days and lost inspiration. but i found it back somehow! so yeah heres a long-ish chapter to compensate!

by the way, this chapter is has a little trigger warning in it as it mentions how eren cuts himself and future chapters might be as triggered too. don't do it, don't cut yourself. believe me, you will get through whatever it is you are going through and survive it. be strong. for yourself. ❤️

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