a few months along the line

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Eight and a bit months in and everyone was fed up. Cat was, Kara was, though she never said it . Cat was difficult,  to say the least.  Work was a nightmare.  Yes Cat had insisted on working until the exact date of which her pregnancy was over. Of course, she was Cat Grant for crying out loud! A workaholic was an under-exaggeration of what she was. She'd also be getting a kick out of teasing her wife at the office.

It was a sunny and normal day in National City,  not a cloud in the sky.  Cat Grant was sat at her desk with the newest mockup of the CatCo magazine.  "Kara!" she yelled about as loud as she could. She waited,  ten exact seconds, listening to her cut, clear voice as it rang through the corridors of the building. After the ten seconds, the clumsy footsteps of the alien caught the empress' attention "yes Cat?" She said quietly as if assessing her wife closely. "I NEED you!" the older woman said bluntly as if it was already implied. "Umm I .... we're at work sweetheart" Cat smiles pleased as she admired the heat flushing to her wife's features.  "So? That didn't stop us when we first started, did it pet?" The CEO looks at Kara dangerously,  kara's breath hitched.  "Remember the first time? " Cat asks a smirk on her lips. Kara blushed as her eyes hit the floor. How could she forget?
*Flashback *
Kara was working. When wasn't she though? If anyone asked why she worked so late, she'd say she likes being useful or something like that.  In reality, she wanted to make sure that Cat got home safe. This wasn't really something that the people around her would understand. She rushed around making sure she'd cleaned and sorted every file in her desk, more than once, just to make sure Cat was happy with her. "Keira? You're still here I presume?" Cat's soft voice calls, startling the young blonde. "yes, Miss Grant, I'm still here" Kara replies meekly, turning the corner, so she is in the doorway of the hazel-eyed CEO'S office. "May I ask why?" the older woman asked with a raise of one perfectly sculpted eyebrow. "I was ... just cleaning?" the Kryptonian mumbled looking at her converse as if she was going to burn a hole in them, which isn't unlikely. It was a couple days after Cat found out that her mousy, mild-mannered assistant had feelings for her. She was beginning to wonder how she hadn't seen it before, could the girl be more obvious? "cleaning huh?"Cat's heart-shaped lips curled in amusement as she said this. Kara looked up, catching those hazel eyes, to find they were looking right back at her, holding her gaze like they were magnetized. The older woman smiled "you've stayed this long, you might as well join me for a drink?" Cat said as if she was asking a question,  though both knew that Kara would comply without missing a beat. "a drink?" Kara asked nervously. Before her sentence was even finished her boss was walking as with a sway of her hips. Kara's eyes followed her, out of habit more than anything else. "scotch or water?" Cat's sudden voice brings Kara back to reality. "oh water, please" Kara mentally curses herself for not being able to drink. Cat gives her a suspicious look but pours the drinks anyway, water for the awkward blonde on her settee and a double, maybe triple scotch for her. the pair sat silently for a while, a couple more scotches later and the alcohol had got to Cat. Tipsy, wobbly and slightly slurred. she stumbled towards her chair and tumbled, expecting to hit the floor a disorientated Cat instead finds herself in Kara's strong, sturdy and somewhat protective grasp. "careful" the alien says as she catches Cat, in her arms the powerful woman felt soft and small, the younger woman memorized the feel of her skin, her unique scent, expensive and fruity. "my hero" Cat slurs with a giggle. Kara smiled at her boss " I think someone has had way too much to drink" she says "I'm no hero, not tonight." she adds looking away from the intense hazel stare. "spthe" Cat mumbles something inaudibly, then it was a blur, even for a perfectly sober Kara. one minute they were still on the floor, the next Cat's silky, rose-petal lips were on Kara's. the blue-eyed blonde froze, shock taking control of her body. then she pulled away, very, very slowly. "Miss Grant, you are drunk. this isn't right" Kara says her heart aching for more. " I may be tipsy, but I am not drunk" the CEO looking at her assistant with eyes like daggers. " are you sure? you just kissed me" Kara says disbelief in her voice. "I'm as sure I meant to kiss you as I was that you were Supergirl. Also, I have a very strong feeling you want more" Cat smirks at the last line, watching Kara's cheeks flush once again. "how-" Kara starts. "call it my superpower" Cat cuts in with a chuckle. one more kiss and Kara is putty in her bosses hands. it was clear at least one of them wouldn't get home tonight...

*end of flashback*

A/N: hey guys! Question; do you guys want them to have boy or a girl? also any name suggestions? thanks for reading! love ya 💖💖


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