All work or all play?

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"Kara!" Cat's clear voice rang through the building like a bell. Kara smiled at herself, she was getting use to being the assistant of her wife again . She was even enjoying it! "Yes dear?" The kryptonian asked walking into glass the office . The CEO looks at her wife for a moment as if thinking , or stunned ."Oh nothing , I just wanted to see you " she smiles , her golden eyes almost glowing. Kara looks confused. "Catherine Grant, are you meaning to tell me that you made me get up from my desk, which you have a perfect view of . Just so you could ogle me?" The blue eyed blonde laughed as her wife looks guilty . "Well... What if I wanted a closer look? We don't all have x-ray vision" Cat whispers the last bit softly as she admires the gorgeous alien in front of her. "That sucks for you then doesn't it?" Kara teases . Cat looks, glares at her wife with flashing eyes . "I wouldn't say so , it really doesn't give you an upper hand darling " she says in a playful tone. "Really? If I have no upper hand I guess someone wouldn't care if I didn't use my superspeed in tonight's activities." The hero says watching her wife's face contour in defeat. "Fine you have the upper hand, now get back to work or I'll have to report your incompetence " Cat says with a smirk . "Report all you like, I'm married to the boss" Kara says sticking her tounge out as she leaves. Cat shakes her head, Kara could be such a child. The CEO smiles as the beautiful blonde walks away . There was something about Kara, whenever the alien was around Cat's mood would reach sky high and her expression would take a form of pure adoration for the younger woman who she loved dearly . *knock* Cat looks up raising a brow, the brunette Danvers sister is stood at the door clad is all black leather . "Hum?" Cat says as of promoting the girl to continue. "Hi Cat. I came to see how you are , how's it going?" The agent asks with a soft smilie. "Hmmm I'm okay ... or as far as okay goes I suppose " the pregnant blonde says smiling . Alex nods "any pain, sickness, beyond usual?" The agent asks . The blonde simply shakes her head. She couldn't tell if she was tired or fed up , maybe both. She hadn't been outside of her office or her house in ages , she needed to do something. "Bored?" Cat jumps , forgetting that the brunette was there "ah!" She exclaims " sorry , you ... gave me a fright " Cat explains as she meets the world famous worried expression Alex Danvers pulls . "I'm not bored, I'm fine honest." Lie , why couldn't she admit it , she needed a break, desperately! "Are you-" Alex starts "I said I'M FINE!" Cat yells out of not wanting to answer her sister-in-law properly. Alex looks at her sister's wife for a second, fear prensnt in her eyes, before nodding and leaving the feline named blonde alone in the empty, and now somewhat colder office. "Mrs Grant?" Cat turns to the balcony to see a flash of familiar blues and reds . "Supergirl?" She says to the night , wondering to her balcony "Kara where did you go?" As soon as this was said , the hero in question appears at superhuman speed , Cat is sat at a table and steaming hot Italian food is placed in front of her. The smell was so delicious and so very tempting but no "wh. What are we celebrating?" The media empiress asks looked at her puppy eyed blonde dumbfounded. "You, we are celebrating you . Your strength and love and commitment. I know the situation we find our self in is not one we planed but , happy accidents are what makes life worth it, makes it more exciting and if there was anyone who I could share these moments with I can't think of a better person than you . Catherine . " Kara says cautiously at 'Catherine' she rarely used the name , and got a mixed result when she did . Cat just stared at her wife with bright eyes , hazel and blue clash intensely. Soon enough the gaze was broken , whether it was the growing hunger of both woman or the need to look away , neither of which the couple knew . It didn't matter. The meal was truly exquisite, all the right flavours and the non alcoholic wine tasted better than the CEO would of thought , Kara had out done herself . Cat wouldn't be surprised if the girl would fly to the sun just to make her happy . "Thank you" the older woman says looking towards Kara with the most grateful expression she could muster . "Honestly it was nothing , it can't be all work and no play my dear , you need a break once in a while and I don't care what it is you want , if it makes you happy it's yours!" Kara says , this really worried Cat . How far would Kara go to make her happy? And how far would Cat push her? She didn't want to hurt Kara like she'd done with countless other partners. She had a habit of pushing too far, expecting too much, it was the reason she waited until now to settled down . Kara was so sweet , it was almost too much. The CEO didn't trust herself not to abuse the hero's kindhearted nature. It wouldn't be the first time she'd broken the girl...

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