kallmehkittykatty tagged meh
This is a new one so I'm fine with doing this one ooI'm too socially anxious to tag anyone so as always I'm just gonna say do it if ya want
1) I've got too many, but to name a few, pastel blue, reddish pink, lime green, red, purple, turquoise and orange
3) Currently it's Invisible by Anna Clendening
4)Also oops
5) No but I wish lmao
6) There's like 3 people I hate in this world and no one needs to know who they are so
7) Oh hell yeah vegetarian sushi is the b e s t
8) Uh...no one needs to know this, it...it doesn't matter.
9) Neither of them probably do.
10) No, thank god, if I did I'd be dead lmaoWell that's it
I'll update this soon I'm just doing a few doodles
Aят Bσσκ 2
AcakWell, there was 92 chapters in the other art book. So, yeah...I'm starting a new one