chapter 8

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I woke up with a massive headache.

"owwww" I groaned. I went down stairs to get a panadol and found Jesse watching TV.

"watcha watchin?" He jumped. How could he not have heard me stomping down the stairs?

"an interview with dad. He's on Sunrise. Apparently he's working with some new boy band from canada" 

"what? But that means he's in sydney. Why didn't he tell us?"  Jesse didn't answer. I got my panadol then went upstairs and got ready for school. It's quite warm today so i decided to wear shorts. I haven't worn shorts out in public since i got here. I don't want anyone to see the huge scar on my leg. I hoped that i would get by unnoticed today. I don't want to have to explain it a million times.

When i was ready i went downstairs to get some breakfast. I finished then drove Jesse and myself to school. I have sport today...Why can't today be the study period day. I hope Len isn't there because don't want to face him. We arrived just as the bell went so i went straight to the gym, since i already have my sport clothes on and a spare change in my bag.

I walked into the gym and nobody was there yet. I went to the other side and sat down on a bench.

"are you alright love?" I heard a high pitched british accent say.

"huh? Oh yeah i'm fine. I just have a headache that's all."

"oh alright then. You can sit out of class today if you like" Oh she must be a substitute teacher. YES! No Mr Clarke.

The students started coming in. I saw John but no Len. Phewww. Oh wait, nope. Here he is. He walked through the door, looking directly at me. Great. He walked over to me. Nooo! I don't want to talk to anyone. Especially him!

"hey" He smiled a fake smile. It's easy to tell that i really hurt him.

"hey" I replied, not looking at him.

"why did you run away?" wow. straight out huh?

"ugh" I groaned and threw my head in my hands. "i don't know Len. I guess this just scares me"

"what scares you?" too many questions that i don't want to answer. I wanted to run away again. But i didn't. 

"Len i know you like me and...I like you too but.." I was cut off.

"then what's the problem?" He sat down and turned his body to face me.

"well like i said...I'm scared"

"scared of what?" I paused for a bit. I wasn't quite sure of the answer.

"umm i guess commitment?"

But why?" Omg Len just stop asking.

"my ex" I breathed out as i said this like i was getting something off my chest.

"why? what did he do to you?" He sounded worried now. I breathed in heavily, preparing myself to tell the story.

"well, last year I dated a guy called Patrick. Everything was great for the first month. He was so nice and always hapy to see me. But after we started to get comfortable with each other, he changed. Not slowly, but like, over night. We went to the school social and he started asking me to sneak up to the bathrooms for sex. I refused then he started hitting me." Len kind of twisted in his seat. I could tell he doesn't like hearing this, but he was so eager to know.

"After that he was always abusive, and he turned sleazy. He cheated on me. and I knew everytime. He kept coming back like nothing happened. I broke up with him but he didn't accept it. He told me that we were done when he said so.He was always kissing my neck and holding me when we were around people. Then when nobody was around he beat me. Eventually I got a restraning order agaisnt him"

I looked over to Len and he looked sick.

"he also did this" I grabbed Lens hand and pulled it to my leg. I touched his hand to my scar. The scar runs down the side of my thigh. It's realy long, half of it is covered by my shorts.

"what's it from?" Len asked shakily. He was totally shocked by what i had just told him. He should be thankful I didn't go into detail.

"well lets just say one night when Patrick was drunk, i was standing too close when he found a rusty screw driver" Len gasped.

"bri. I would never do anything like this to you. I would show my appreciation for you every single day.." I cut him off. It sounded like he was making a promise to date me. I don't want to do this to him again. I was  going to hurt him, i really don't want to but i had to.

"look Len. I have never loved you, and i never will!!!!" I shouted at him. Shock and pain crossed his face. I ran outside.


"look Len. I have never loved you, and i never will!!!" she shouted at me. But. I had expected that she didn't like me the way i like her, but I just can't believe what i just heard. she ran outside.

"she didn't mean it" WFT!! I jumped and turned to see Jesse standing behind me.What the hell is he doing here?

"what?" What is this kid talking about?

"well, her eyes changer colour according to her mood. If she meant what she said, her eyes would have been black because she was angry at you. But the were green. Which mean she was upset. And i know my sister well enough to know that she didn't mean what she said"

When he finished talking he walked off. What the hell?

I thought about what he said for a second. I then ran out of the gym, ignoring the teacher as she yelled at me to come back inside. I got outside and turned the right corner. There she was.


I ran outside and turned the right corner. I lent against the wall and thought.  How could i have said that to him. I didn't mean it. I really like him. I heard someone walking towards me. I looked up and...Jesus Christ it was Len. Doesn't that boy know when to stop!!! I was just about to walk off when he trapped me by putting his arms on either side of me. Pfft.

"bri why are you being such a bitch to me" I slapped him as hard as i could. His eyes started to water.

"len if your going to start calling me names, get your facts right first. I'm not just being a bitch to you. I am a bitch" I moved Lens arm and started to walk, but he put his arms around my waist trying to pull me back.

"no your not, i didn't mean it" 

"i did!!!" I shouted back at him. His arms didn't losen. He started to cry a bit. I felt guilty. He looked away trying not to let me see his face. I moved his arms and lent up and kissed his cheek. He didn't move. He just stared at the ground.

"bye Len" His head snapped up.

"what?" I ran to my car and drove off, leaving Len standing there.


"what?" She's leaving me? She ran to her car and took off. Maybe she just meant she was going home. I stood there for a good ten minutes trying to decipher what she meant when she said bye.

I woke up the next morning with an assignment for myself. Today i am going to ask Bri to be my girlfriend. I felt good because i'm sure she will say yes. Even after the fight we had yesterday.

when i got to school she was no where to be found. I looked all day. After school i went to her house but no one was home. I called and text her but she didn't answer me. What is happening?

:O whats happening??????

hope you enjoyed it.

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