Chapter 1.2

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You take a breath, summoning Amyr. "Hey bud, we have break time. There's some food over there, let's get some and rest." He agrees, and he flies above your shoulder towards the table with food and refreshments.

You grab a small plate and sit down at a table nearby and watch those around you and count how many made it. Including yourself, there're 20, so 4 teams made it. You wonder how 100 people are chosen over five days, considering the tests, but figure each day has different tests so no one can cheat, so depending on the day you're tested on, you have different rates of passing.

But didn't the principal also say just cause you lose this round doesn't mean you don't pass right? So it's a matter of performance over results?

Lost in thoughts, chirps of warning from Amyr snap you from your daze. "Yeah bud?" He chirps in distress. "Oh." You look to the side to see two fighting. Law and the redhead you saw before.

They don't seem to be going full out, but they're definitely wrecking quite a bit around them and giving each other small wounds. People were watching them from the edges of the room, making sure not to get in their way. "Should someone stop them?" you wonder. Amyr chirps in distress. "Yeah, they do seem to be getting more intense... I'm gonna do something." He sings in denial. "Sorry, but I'm gonna anyway."

You stand and jog over. "Stop!" you yell. They don't stop.

"(Y/N)-ya, stay outta this. I'm gonna kill this idiot."

"Like hell! Can't kill me if I kill you first, shitty raccoon!"

"But neither of you are using your full strength. Neither of you have any intention to kill," you analyze the situation quickly. "And I'm sure you'll eventually have a time to fight at a later time, but right now both of you should rest," you point out. "So just take a break for now. Besides, you'll probably have to pay for the stuff you've broke."

Law cocks an eyebrow before striking the redhead just hard enough to get him away. "Fine. I'll stop if this brute does."

"No way, bi---"

"Sorry for the trouble, he'll pull back," says the masked blond for him, pulling the other away.

"It's no problem, it's just a bad time, really."

Law eyes you. "You're an odd girl."

You shrug. "I guess, but someone could've really gotten hurt. That would've been bad."


Amyr flies over, chirping furiously. "Jeez, what are you, my mom? I'm fine, see? Oh, don't give me that, I don't need your sass, little princess. Right, I'm sure. I'm not a pacifist, I just didn't---what do you mean I'm like Gandhi? How does that even? Ya know what, young man, corner. Timeout. Ten minutes. Now."

Law chuckles. "Definitely an odd girl."

You turn to him. "And you could've gotten hurt. What were you thinking? What would have happened if you broke a leg or something and couldn't fight?"

He cocks an eyebrow. "That wouldn't have happened, for one. And secondly, maybe you should've applied for World Gov. Academy. This'll happen all the time if you get in."

"I'll be fine," you scoff.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright? You could've gotten hurt, interrupting their fight and all," says Nami, jogging over.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, thanks."

"Er, what's Amyr doing?" asks Perona, floating over, pointing to the bird in the corner.

"He's in timeout for sassing me," you reply simply.

Nami laughs. "Wow, strict."

You shrug. "I guess.

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