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If you're at all interested, I'm starting up with an original series kinda. I'll probably eventually transfer it to just writing, but for now it's in the form of a comic! Here's the link if you wanna read the first part. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6rJoIAeD2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 


You force a dry laugh. "You're kidding, right?"

He looks at you, almost pitifully. "If only. And... I hope you know I really wasn't the only one."

You swallow. "Koby."

He nods.

"Why? There's no reason, I... I don't get it!" Your breaths become shallower.

He rests a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, get some rest, alright? It's been a long day."

You nod, the bubble in your throat seemingly preventing you from speaking. You begin to head out, Drake opening the door again.

"And (Y/N)?"

You turn.

He sighs softly before shaking his head. "Nothing, I'll see you later."

You smile and nod. "Yeah, see you."

Thousands of thoughts buzzing through your mind, you trudge back to the dorms. Kid is still tampering with metal pieces and Law is reading when you return.

"Hey," you greet, slipping off your shoes.

"What took so long?" Law asks, sliding a bookmark between the pages and setting the book down.

"I started a book, thinking I'd like it, but turned out to be pretty bad," you say, climbing up to your bed and sighing. "It had a good plot and world at first, and it was really cool, but the more I read, the more I realised it was a bad book."

He hums. "I hate when that happens. What was wrong with it?"

You groan, thinking more about the conversation previously rather than the current one. "The characters. I think I'm gonna go to sleep early, I'm tired."

"Night," Law says, turning off the main light, and Kid turns on a smaller one as he works on his projects.


You make sure to wake up a little earlier to catch Kid, since he tends to wake earlier than you. Up before him for once, you get ready for the day.

"Morning, Kid," you say cheerily.

He groans as he sits up before falling back down. In another minute, he gets up and stretches.

You snort. "Hey, get dressed and ready, I wanna talk with you."

He scowls at you.


Continuing to scowl at you, he grabs clothes for the day and heads into the restroom to shower and get dressed. You smile and kick back until he finishes his morning routine.

"What do you want?" he asks sharply, slipping on a white shirt.

"To talk. C'mon, let's go to town for breakfast," you suggest.

He shrugs. "Sure."

Grabbing a taxi down to the town, you end up eating at a half-filled Waffle House.

"So what's up?"

You take a deep breath, suddenly regretting your decision, but deciding you should go through with it. "Kid, I know what happened with Drake."

He freezes for a split second. "Which is?"

"I... Please don't make me say it, Kid."

"No, if you've got the fucking guts to drag me out here to talk about this shit, you're gonna say it," he hisses.

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