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God... It's only been 4 days of school and I'm already sick of it.


You wake to familiar bickering, the sound being so routine, you reach over for your phone you always set on a small shelf at night before remembering you're not in your room.

Noticing movement, the boys stop and turn their attention to you.

You force yourself to sit up and open your eyes, grunting softly. "I don't... How long was I asleep? I remember waking up briefly and everyone was here before I fell back asleep."

"3 days. It's the 25th."

You blink. "Already? Today's the final battle, isn't it?"

Law nods. "Are you alright? Any headaches?"

You shake your head. "I feel perfectly fine, why? I don't think I got that hurt during the fight."

Kid and Law share a look and nod. "Later," he says. "For now, let's get you up and out of this room."

You hesitate. "Oh...kay?"

Law carefully removed the IV and placed a small bandage where the needle was. He handed you a small stack of neatly folded clothes. "Here, you should change and we can go grab something to eat and talk, alright?"

"Law, you're acting strange," you say. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Go change in the bathroom," he says, nodding towards the door. "We'll be waiting."

You sigh softly. "Fine." You hear murmurings through the door, and you know something's up. Even if they were previously bickering, they're getting along way too well. You pause before opening the door again.

"I'm ready."

"Right, let's go then," Law says, Kid shoving his hands in his pocket, oddly quiet. "Everyone else is in the cafeteria right now, they'll be excited to see you up."

You follow them out of the hospital, the silence only fueling your uneasiness.

"Guys, did something else happen that you aren't telling me about?"

Law's phone rings, and from behind him you catch who's calling: Sabo. You didn't know they knew each other well enough to have exchange numbers. You shrug and awkwardly listen to the one side of the conversation.

"Yeah, it's fine. What'd you find?" He pauses for a few seconds. "I see... We're heading to the cafeteria now, bring him there if you can... Yeah, everyone's there... Good, bring that too... Yeah keep it hidden for a bit... Right, see you then."

He hangs up, and you quicken your pace slightly to walk beside him. "Keep what hidden? What's up?" you ask.

"Not much, we'll explain soon. Don't worry about it," he says.

You enter the cafeteria and head to a large table where a lot of your friends are waiting.

Perona, Nami, Carrot, Drake, Heat, Wire, Killer, Ace, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji.

You swallow and take a seat by Nami, Law taking one on the other side of you.

"(Y/N)! It's so good to see you up, how are you feeling?" Nami asks with a smile. Similar questions and excited comments ripple through the table, and you manage a soft smile.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm just... kinda lost."

"(Y/N)-ya... In your own time, you have things you need to explain."

You tilt your head. "What things?"

Kid sighs, and for the first time speaks up and explains what happened. You bite your lip, getting the feeling that the irritation in his voice is little more than a facade for worry.

"I have to go," you mutter, standing and ignoring the cries and 'wait's from your friends. "I'm sorry..."

Kid clicks his tongue. "If she wants to keep running away, let her." He stands as well and heads out, brushing shoulders not so gently with you on the way.

Awkwardly, you follow. Eventually, you catch up naturally and tap him on the shoulder. "Kid?"

He hums, barely minding you and not stopping to talk.

"Do you not like being around me anymore?"

He pauses for a brief moment before turning courses away, towards the exit of the school boundaries.

"Kid?" You have to half-jog to keep up with him. "Is something wrong?"

He scoffs and stops abruptly at the edge of boundaries, where the large gate in and out stands. "I don't know, is there? Aren't you fucking terrified your friends are all murderers?"

You back up instinctively as he leans down with a slightly sadistic grin.

"I... I'm not terrified, per se," you say, trying to offer an answer that'll satisfy him, sure, but mainly yourself.

He let a condemning huff of amusement as he stood tall and ran a hand through his fiery hair. "But you're pretty fuckn' indecisive about it all, huh. Just drop and call it a day," he sneered.

He headed towards the smaller gate off to the side for students.

"You know," you start as he pulls it open, "you don't have to push me away. Do you think I won't end up accepting you guys?"

He hesitates before ignoring you and heading off.


Wishing you hadn't left the cafeteria before at least eating something, you find yourself in the city as it grows dark, looking for a place to eat. It's nearly 9, and most places are starting to close up. You manage to grab a quick (but rather unhealthy) meal from (Place).

You sigh, heading back in the relative direction of the school, an uneasiness sinking and resting in the pit of the stomach. You can only hope it's the food. Bars are the only things left open, one every few blocks with music and chatter audible from outside.

The light from inside gives them a certain glow that lights up a few metres around it, but what catches your eye is the uncanny black and blue glowing that looks like it's moving and shifting.

It's coming from an alleyway, and all those movies you watched previously tell you to book it. But you're too curious, like every horror movie protagonist, and you turn into the alley anyway.

You swallow as a giant, glowing swirl of blue and black. It looks like a cloudy abyss beyond it, and you reach out to touch it.

This... This is one of my worst ideas, you think, as your arm is engulfed in the clouds before running in.


QOTD: If there was one character you could bring into this world, who'd it be?

Also sorry for the short chapter

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