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"Markus!" Simon protested. "Even if you did go, we still wouldn't be enough." Connor stated. "If he's only human, it shouldn't be too hard." Markus argued, determined to catch him. "No! No, Markus! You don't need to go!" Markus knew Simon was worried, but he needed to do what was right, for Simon and for his people. "We could use an extra person, incase things get.. out of hand, Simon." Both Markus and Connor looked at him in sync. "Me?!" Simon questioned aloud. "You can stick with Markus, staying as far behind as possible. So if things begin happening you wouldn't get caught in the crossfire, and you can call Fowler when we get him. Super simple job, of course only if you want to take it.." Simon was nervous. He didn't like doing things he wasn't supposed to, it gave him anxiety. "Listen, Simon. Please.. Please do this." Markus pleaded. "I'll never ask you to do something like this again, and I'll never-" Markus side glanced Connor. "Er.. do.. those things, ever again.." Connor didn't know why Markus even bothered trying to hide the fact that they had a physically intimate relationship. But of course that was none of his business...

Simon didn't want to say yes, he wanted to say no and leave the problems for everyone else to deal with. But for his case, this was the only chance they had at catching him. He inhaled and held his breath. "Okay, fine.. But never agree to something like this ever again and drag me alo-" Before Simon finished his sentence, Markus sighed in alleviation and pulled him in a hug. Simon hands were sticking out and he didn't know what to do with them. Simon felt awkward, but Markus felt glad he agreed to it, he was proud. Simon eyed Connor and noticed him smirking as he his eyes wandered everywhere but at them. "Sorry to interrupt, but if we're doing this I've got to let Hank know so we can start planning, our best bet is to strike tonight." Markus casually released Simon. "Right. Let's do this!" And with that, Simon and Markus were following Connor up the stairs and out of the evidence room.


"Lieutenant I-"

"I know, I know, Connor. Meet me in the interrogation room, I'll get Gavin and Nines." Connor nodded and made his way to the sliding doors. They headed inside and waited. It felt like forever for Simon. He didn't know what to expect. All of a sudden, the sliding door opens and Hank walks in with what Markus knew was Gavin and Nines pacing behind. "What's all this about?" Gavin hissed. Still hasn't changed Markus thought. "Are we throwing a fucking party or something?" Nines rolls his eyes. "No, detective. We're planning a "raid"." Gavin scrunches his nose. "A raid?"

"You'll catch on while we begin." Nines turns away to talk to Connor and Gavin brings up his middle finger, dangling around as if it was something special. Nines looks back, and Gavin freezes. "Detective, will you for once act your age?" Nines bossed as he sighed. "No!" Gavin barked back. Nines looked back toward us and said "Please forgive him. He's usually always this assholey." Markus wanted to laugh but he knew this was serious so he held it in. "Okay so here's the deal. We need to make sure Zlatko is inside of his house when we do go in. Markus and Simon decided to come along so that makes six of us. Should be enough, but we need to make sure he doesn't get a chance to flee before we catch him, sound easy yet?" Connor eyed everyone in the room. "I think I should go in first." Gavin blurts. Everybody immediately disagreed. "Actually, I wanted Nines to go first, I'm not really sure how everything will play out but I know one thing for sure. We need to make sure you and Hank stay safe."

"That is true, detective. Its also because you have a tendency to do irrational things under extreme pressure." Gavin skewed his face. "I do not, dipshit!" Nines gives him a look. "Power outage, detect-"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Markus noticed the change in pigment to his face. He folded his arms together and didn't say another word. That definitely seemed to shut him up. "Anyway! I was thinking that we could use an international key to break in."

"The fuck is that?" Gavin questioned. "It's a key that can open any lock, detective" Nines replies."Connor, do'ya know how much that's worth? I'm not making that type of money." Connor smirked. "That is true, Lieutenant, but that is also exactly why we are not going to buy one." Everybody was confused as to what Connor meant. "I know what we're doing is illegal, so why not do another illegal thing while we're at it."

"Uh- cause we don't want to get fucking arrested." Gavin added. "That's fair, but we can't break the door down. He'll hear, leaving us with not a lot of options." When Gavin didn't respond, he continued. "So, I was thinking I could hack the website and ship one over to Hank's place, if I do it correctly, it should be there by tonight." Nines's LED spun. "Doesn't he live in a mansion?" Connor looks over at Gavin. "How do you know that?" Gavin eyes Nines. "What about it?"

"It's big as fuck. If we're all in one big group, we'll be spotted even before we can pass the front door. And if he has a gun.." He mimicked the sound of a pistol firing. Connor hummed. "Well I guess we'll have to spread out. Enter at different times or find other entrances. I'll make sure to give you all ear pieces in case something happens, but the only thing we can rely on is stealth. Meaning.." Connor looks at Nines. "Gavin and Nines cannot be anywhere near each other." Gavin scoffs. "Jesus, I never thought the day would come." Connor turns back towards the group. "Listen carefully, when you find him, and you will, make sure you know where all of your exits are. Make sure you tell us if there are doors near him. He may be suicidal so don't test him. You all know the basic rules, but Simon and Markus." He focuses his attention to the pair. "If he attacks either of you, shoot him. If you think he's going to try something that may get you killed, shoot him. We don't want to take any chances." He places his attention on everyone. "And make sure he does not have a weapon, if you see him and he does, let one of us know. This is the only way we can catch him without putting anyone in danger." Connor looks at Simon and Markus once more.

"You two, stick together, watch each other's backs. Keep each other safe." He then looked over at Hank. "Hank, you're sticking with me." He turned toward Nines. "Nines, take Gavin."

"What?! I thought we were going to stay away from each other!" Gavin whined

"You'd love that, wouldn't you?" Nines teased. "You guys are human. You need an android to protect you in case anything happens." Gavin growled but soon dropped it. For the next couple hours, they memorized the layout of his mansion. What was an exit and what wasn't. Where they could go and where they couldn't. It was simple for Nines, Connor, Simon and Markus, but Hank and Gavin were struggling. After a couple hours, they eventually got the layout engraved into their brain.

"We'll go over it one more time." Stated Nines. Gavin groaned and slammed his head on the table. Markus could see a smile form on Simon's face, and he couldn't help but feel bad for dragging him into this.

But the more Markus looked at the layout, the more he wanted to be there already. He knew once they caught him, things would all go back to normal.


My hands are hurting :(

jk im immortal🤩

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

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