Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sophie's POV

I froze and looked at Biana, a sense of deja vu hitting me. She made eye contact with me, and her eyes confirmed my fear.

"Hi Fitz, nice of you to sneak up on us." Biana said, with a strained smile on her face.

"Yeah." I whispered softly. "Nice."

"Sophie?" Fitz asked, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Are you good."

"Hey." I replied.


I finally snapped out of my stupor and managed to find the right words, "Hey. How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that the guy you like likes Linh."

Instantly, my heart sank. He just indirectly confirmed that he liked Linh. This silly crush of mine needed to be over.

"Yeah." was all I could manage in the moment.

"So....." he trailed off, and eyes seemed to turn colder by the second. "Who is it?"


"Who's the lucky guy to have the moonlark like them?"

"Uhm..." I can't tell him. He likes Linh. But I can't lie to him. He'll be able to tell. "It's......uhm."

"It's me." Keefe showed up behind Fitz. "She likes me?"

A look of rage came across Fitz's face. Pwoah. He's really protective over Biana and her crush.

"REALLY?!" Fitz asked.

"No." Keefe responded cheekily. "I just wanted to say something about this amazing face and The Hair."

Fitz groaned and reached over to pinch Keefe's arm. Keefe jerked his arm back and put me in from of him as an elven shield.

"Sophie needs to go shopping with Biana for the Foxfire Ball." he said as he hid behind me. "Stop wasting her time. She needs to look good for whoever she likes. Which reminds me, are we all going as a group?"

"Keefe's right." Biana piped in. "The ball is in three days, and we haven't even started looking Sophie's dress. To answer your question, Keefe, yes. We are going to the Ball as a group of friends."

"Of course he's right." Fitz muttered and grabbed Keefe's arm. "C'mon, lover boy. We need to look for something to wear to the ball too."

Keefe let himself get dragged away, before he turned and winked at Biana. "Your brother doesn't know that we already picked out our outfits. He also doesn't know that we picked matching colors. Or that you're my unofficial date."

Fitz stopped walking and turned to look at Biana, "Seriously."

"Yeah. Okay." Biana smiled nervously. "We gotta go shopping. Be prepared to have your wigs flown to the Forbidden Cities."

"Bye, Biana." Keefe waved to her and then was gone, pulled away by Fitz.

Biana made sure they were gone, before she turned to look at me.

"You're welcome. Keefe was there to help you. Now, we are going to make you gorgeous for the Ball, so my brother's jaw drops. If he doesn't like you, he will after the Ball." then, in a quieter voice, "But he does like you."



"What did you say after?" I pressed.

"Nothing. Now, let's go shopping."

We got to Atlantis and, as usual, I was shocked by the sheer beauty of in the shop that she wanted to go to.

"C'mon Sophie. This is one of the smaller balls, so we'll just get you a nice, cute red dress. (It's the one above. If I remember to post it..) Let's go. She dragged me around for hours on end, without once stopping to eat or rest or drink. I tried on what seemed like hundreds of different dresses, and at each one of them, she would shake her head and wave her hand.

Finally, after a grueling 4 hours, we found the right dress. I was scared that it showed too much skin, but she assured me that it would be okay. Besides, it was a masquerade. No one would recognize me, right? Right. Anyway. It was a red dress. That's all I know about it. By the time that I had tried it on, I wasn't paying attention anymore. Annnyyywaaayy, the ball is tomorrow, and I'm going to die.

(Which dress do you guys think Sophie should wear to the bigger ball that comes later? Vote In the next chapter pls. Honestly, if only one person responds, that person's choice will be picked. If no one chooses, my cousin will pick for me. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.)

OMG! YOU GUYS ARE SO NICE! 300 READS?! 💜💜💜💜  it also just occurred to me that I've been switching POV on accident  sorry  amateur writer here

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