Chapter One (Nick)

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Nick groaned as his alarm started to blare in his ear at six in the morning, his hand reached over and started fumbling for the off button for a few seconds, before his hand slammed down on it. He laid there for a minute or two just thinking if he could away with faking being sick and just skipping school today. But then he remembered that he had promised Alex that he would walk with her to McDonald's after school, before the pep assembly. He swung his legs over the bed and jumped out of bed, hoping that his feet will somehow miraculously hit the ground. He grabbed his glasses

"Nick! Your ass better be out of  bed!" He heard his mother scream up the stairs toward his bedroom. Rolling my eyes I made sure to stomp extra loudly as I made my way to the bathroom. He quickly went to the bathroom, and started to walk out to his closets to pick out an outfit for the day. He slung on a pair of slightly ripped and faded black jeans, before grabbing a black t-shirt to pair with it that said "secret British accent society". On his way out of his bedroom, he grabbed his leather jacket from where it was sitting on the bedside table.

"Ma! Is breakfast ready yet?" I called as I started jogging down the stairs, grabbing the railing he quickly flung myself over the last three and landed softly on the balls of his feet. I walked over to the shoe rack and grabbed my black and white converse, which is one of the two  pairs of shoes that I actually wears to school.

"Yes! It's been ready for awhile now, and you would have had it all nice and warm but your ass didn't want to get out of bed, now did it!" My dad said as I walked into the kitchen, he was just standing near the counter top reading the paper and drinking coffee. My little sister Amelia was at the table coloring and eating her cereal, with my mom right beside her telling her to stay inside the lines.

"Andrew! Hush, you weren't much better when we were younger." My ma said as she walked away from my sister, as she walked past she lightly slapped him over the head for good banter. Some banter is okay every once and awhile, as long as that's all it is. Just nice banter, warm-hearted banter. Sure, there are some parents whose nice banter turns into full blown arguments which then turns into fighting and then turns into divorce papers.

"Hey. I got to get going on to school unless one of you wants to drive me..." I spoke standing up from the table and grabbing an everything bagel with cream cheese, and a cup of orange juice. I looked at both my parents face, and quietly snorted as I saw both of them looking sheepish and not daring to look at me in the face.

"Whatever. Okay, fine then I get the hint. I'll go catch the bus AGAIN!" I yelled as I stormed out the house, grabbing my backpack off the hook from where it was hanging right beside the door. They knew that I had my license, and that I was ready and responsible for a car. They had talked about getting me a car, and they had the money for it. They just refused to get me one. It was really quite annoying.

"Shit!" I yelled as I spotted the big yellow Twinkie pulling up to the bus stop, I sprinted down the driveway and down the road. I managed to make it to the bus stop just in time too. My bus drivers face looked like he was getting ready to pull away.

"Need to start being here on time..." Mr. Grouse grumbled as I climbed onto the bus and began making my way down the aisle towards my seat in the back. I mumbled a half-assed apology, and pulled my phone and headphones to listen to some music.  I texted Alex to remind her that I would meet in front of the school by the railing just like we did every single morning on school days. Alex lives right across the street from me but since her older brother is a senior and can drive he chooses to drive her to school each morning. My parents refuse to let me ride with them for some reason that they also refuse to tell me.

"Whatever.." I accidentally said out loud as I read the weird text message that my bother had sent me yet again apologizing for him breaking his promise of coming home this past weekend.  My brother had recently chosen to enlist with marine corps, he was a medic so of course he was needed. Which I understood, but then again I would like to see him again. It's been seven months since I last seen him, he was eight years older than me. He was 25 and had only been in the service for five years.

" Hey nerd!" I heard some jack ass from behind me scream as he leaned over into my seat, I looked up and saw him glaring down at me like I had punched his little sister or something. I initially rolled my eyes at him, turning up my music a few notches before looking out the window again. He kept jabbing me in the shoulder but I was very persistent in ignoring him.

"Hey dick! I'm talking to you!" He yelled as he yanked my earbuds out of my ears, he shoved my head forward like it was some kind of warning or some shit to talk to him.

"What?" I snapped as I finally turned around to look at him, he was a talk jock looking dude with brown hair and grey eyes. He smirked as he looked at what I was wearing and who I was. We kind of glared at each other, he had some kind of smirk on his face.

"So, when is Justin coming home? Or should I say his casket?" He sneered at me, my face fell for a minute before his hand reached out and snagged the marine crops necklace I always wore proudly around my neck. He threw it to his friend who was sitting a bit farther up the bus, luckily he caught it. By this time I was up and out of my seat.

"Give it back now!" I yelled as I walked towards the man smirking who was dangling it by the chain and just swinging it back and forth. He tossed it to a guy whose name I knew was Ty, he snatched from the air a bit too late. My hand closed around his wrist that held my necklace, my other hand wrapped around his shirt collar.

"Or else what?" Ty smirked before finishing his sentence. "What are you gonna do about it? Call your brother to save you?" He finished laughing. I saw red, the next thing I know I was cocking my fist back and then it was flying into his face, judging by the blood pouring out of his nose.

"What the hell is going on back there?!" I heard the old grouch yell as he slammed on the breaks throwing everybody foreword, by this time everyone was dead silent. My necklace was know dangling from my fingertips, I heard Mr. Grouse yell for all four of us to get off the bus as we were only pulling down the driveway to the school.

"But its like 60 degrees out!" Ty yelled, well tried to. It came out kind of garbled from all the blood flowing down his face. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag plus my headphones and phone. I marched down the isle with both of my fist clenched, and stomped off the bus. I could hear the whispers as I got off the bus and could feel the heat from the glares I was getting on the back of  the head.

"Over here kid." I could hear one of the security guards scream as he grabbed me by the  shoulder and led me inside. He led me past the security checkpoint, and straight towards the door into the office. He grabbed his card off his lanyard and waved it in front of the door which beeped as we were let in. I could hear the three assholes yelling, grumbling and basically throwing a fit as they were led into the office.

"Come on guys school hasn't even started yet.." I could hear the principal Mr. Serven grumble as he sat down with the dean of students Mrs. Mouse right next to him. I rolled my eyes as I plopped down in the back corner, I looked down at the now broken necklace in my hand and bean to think about when I first got that necklace. I rolled my eyes as I saw them begin to call all of our parents Great, just fucking great. My mom will literally kill me...

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