About Vampires

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Vampires- Deadly and Despicable: What You Need To Know by Frederick Woodsworthy

Introduction to Vampires:

Vampires are said to be among the most powerful, dangerous and blood thirsty creatures known to The Wizarding World; throughout the agas they have preyed upon a host of Wizards, Witches and other magical creatures such as Veela, Incubi, Werewolves, and even Mermaids. It is a testament to their magical, physical and psychological strength that they have managed to do so for thousands of years without major losses.

These creatures have two main features to discern them from an ordinary muggle or Wizard. The first being the teeth, even when a Vampire retracted,  the incisors are slightly longer and more pointed that the average humans, (many believe they this is die to the survival instinct of another animal, opposed to Vampire physiology). The other key feature of a Vampire is the eyes; a Vampires eyes glow orange when safe, happy and their appetite has been sated but, when threatened, or hungry/feeding, they become a range of different colours, varying depending on magical strength and rank among their Clan.

A  Vampire of lower level magic (keep in mind that this is on Vampire terms not Wizard or other creatures, as a Vampire is still at least two times stronger than the average Wizard) eyes, glow a vibrant yellow, middle level, red. High level an unnatural green and Clan Leaders/ All Leaders, Purple. *for more on Clan Leaders and All Leaders turn to pg. 187*

pg. 187

Clan Leaders:

Clan Leaders, as the title points out, lead their Clan. They look out for dangers to the Clan, lead into battle in wars, speak on behalf of their clan and rule, much as a muggle general or prime minister. A Clan Leaders eyes glow a purple colour when threatened, hungry or feeding. This colour, unlike with other Vampires, Varies. This is because there are two types of Clan Leader, the normal leader, whose eyes are a light shade of purple and the All Leader's, (or as some Wizards put it, King or Queen) eyes are a deep purple, flecked with gold, silver or bronze.

All Leaders are the most powerful Vampires in the world. They alone hold the allegiance of every Vampire in the world, yet use their right sparingly as most prefer real allegiance instead of forced servitude from others. There is only one at any given time as a war would start over who had the right to rule, a war on that scale would no doubt destroy not only the Vampires but Many other races.

Little is known of full extent of the All Leader's power as there have only been two in recorded history, one Nicholas Doriam (Spanish) and a Beatrice Hall (American). Doriam was said to have lived 500 years before the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and his existence is only known as he is depicted in ancient sculptures, murals and is mentioned in rare tomes speaking of his power and worship from other, lesser Vampires. Beatrice lived even before Doriam and her only mentions are a portrait that was extensively restored by her human relatives after it was unearthed in 1895, by the French Wizarding archeologist, Hans Trévor. There have been no other recorded All Leaders and after over two thousand years of absence, many believe there won't be another.

It is said, however, in an old prophesy dating 1657, by Seer Dalia Sconce that another would rise. The prophesy was translated by an English Wizard, name unknown and reads:

"There will come a time of Dark and fear,

When all cower from a man who is never named,

A child will rise from gloom and shadow,

A child of a thousand years and a thousand lives.

He will come, He will lead his kind,

Unite the world under one banner,

And evil will be vanquished by the hands of two;

The All Leader and The Snake. "

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