Home Coming

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Severus Snape was in the great hall when it happened. A great burst of energy that rocked the very calm atmosphere - yet it didn't feel malicious, the very opposite in fact. It was if someone was coming home.

Only a few moments later a man walked in. His features were that of youth and health, yet his eyes held age and wisdom. His very purple eyes.

After the introduction of the man, the Vampire, Harry Potter and the subsequent revelations, Severus was speechless. Most likely for the first time since he was a child.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

The word swam in his head, slipping out of his grasp like a slippery eels as he tried to tame his mind. Mate.

Slowly, Severus came back to himself. Then he realised something, everyone would find out. He would be hated, chased out of the only job he would ever have; he had only gotten it because Albus, fool as he may be, had a bountiful heart. Every one would know and a hand was coming toward him.

Like a snake,  Severus reached out for it. He may have just been laid claim to but there was no way he was going down easy. "Don't touch me," he hissed at the newcomer, "I will not allow it,"

Harry or Abraxas or whatever the fuck he was called just calmly stared into his eyes. "We'll see how long that lasts.

An hour later, all the professors as well as a few Order members were milling around in the headmaster's office. "What have you done to Harry?! " Alastor Moody snapped at the newcomer.

Calmly he replied, "We are one and the same. I am him, he is me. Although... I do not remember his life. When one is turned, especially into one so powerful-" Abraxas turned his piercing violet eyes on the humans in the room, "One forgets their life. To sever all connection to the human world and remove humanity. The All Leader must rule without human bias or vengance, otherwise their judgement is flawed leading to the potential destruction of our race.

' However I was told of my life. Of it's unparalleled misery. I am glad I no longer recall it." Deep anger and pain filled his amaranthine eyes.

"We have no reason to trust you then! " Called an Order member.

"That is very true." Harry- Abraxas- fuck! Replied as he wandered over to Albus' desk and settled himself in the chair. Fingers gently caressing the deep dark oak.

"You know, I remember constructing and carving this table," Harry started, "It was what? Two years after I had met Salazar. A year since he adopted me. I wanted to give it as a present to my Godric," Severus almost growled at that 'my Godric'? No one was Harry's but him!  Oh Gods, where had that come from?

"I spent weeks on it: sawing the wood; hammering the nails; carving the designs. They've faded now, after so many centuries, I shall have to recarve them. It brings me great sadness to see his gift fall into disrepair."

Unbidden, jealousy rose within Severus' chest. "Vacate the Headmaster's chair. Now." He seethed. All of this was too much for the man to bear in one night however his order seemed to have gone down badly with his so called 'mate'

Abraxas' eyes flashed an even more vivid shade of violet, meanwhile his teeth elongated and glinted preditorialy. Not good. 'I made this throne, I helped create this school! I have the right to anything within its walls, any one,' at that Severus blushed, 'You, Severus Snape, hold no claim, nor does any other - Try and move me, see what it earns you' Harry finished in a low, dark tone which whispered all the maleficent, cruel things he had done in his remarkably long life

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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