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Hi. Hey. Hello.

Welcome back, if indeed you are back. If not hi for the first time.

If this is your first time I do suggest that you read Lonely and Tired, Hope Begins to Fade & Missing You Again before you start this or you may be in for a world of confusion. No pressure though.

This is a short little palate cleanser before I start publishing the final story in this series, but more on that later.....

I have said it before and I'll say it again, I have no association with Avenged Sevenfold and their work but everything other than that is my own creation. My knowledge of them is limited to a bit of Google stalking, their website and repeated listening to their music.

So if Google got it wrong ***shrugs shoulders*** it works for me and my story. 

If you are back because you've read my other stories, thank-you!

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