Until the End of Time

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"More ice?" Johnny grinned at Kelly W as she reached into the freezer. After Brooks had emerged from the water displaying the beginnings of what was going to be one hell of a shiner he'd relinquished his board to Michelle refusing to get back on it. The pussy. Unfortunately Johnny was also relegated to the sand after Matt confiscated his board following a near miss with Bill and Ted not to mention the way he'd ploughed over Michelle when she'd taken her turn.

"Fortunately Mel has ice-packs," Kelly replied as she wrapped the bright blue gel package in a hand towel. "Apparently you never really grow out of the habits acquired when you're raising boys," she sighed.

Johnny snorted, "Like it's hard."

Kelly's mouth dropped open. "Really? You think the process of guiding impressionable young buys into maturity and adulthood is easy?"

Was she crazy? What was this nonsense? "Uh, yeah. Just look at me and the other guys." Fine upstanding examples of manhood that they were.

"Exactly. I am. Did you need to bash my husband over the head with a paddle? He could have died or been hospitalised," Kelly pointed out.

God, women are so dramatic.

"Well if he'd been in the hospital we'd be able to avoid all the sneaking around we're going to have to do the next few days," he explained helpfully.

"About that," Kelly frowned and glanced around to make sure they were alone, "I hate all this secrecy. At first I thought it was a great idea but now it's just hard. Maybe we should just spill the beans and tell them. You know, so we can focus on the wedding. What do you think?"

"I think you've been taking crazy pills! No way are we saying anything before this wedding! Jesus K-Wack Matt will turn my nutsack into one of those cute little furry coin purses we saw at the souvenir shop if I do anything to take the focus away from his wedding. We stick with the plan!" Johnny started to sweat. If he fucked up Matt's wedding Matt's retribution would be terrible. Forget killer fucking dolphins he'd heard about a golf course with sharks in the lake. Apparently it was less than an hour away. Fuck he could see it now, Matt like some kind of Bond villain tossing him to the sharks from the back of a moving golf buggy before going on to play a full eighteen holes. Matt wouldn't let the assassination of one of his best friends get in the way of his enjoyment of his favourite sport. Shit, he'd probably still come in under par.

Kelly was snapping her fingers in his face. "Hey, where did you go?"

He shuddered. "Golf...and sharks."

"I'm not even asking. So we're sticking with the plan then?" she confirmed.

"Without a shadow of a doubt." Johnny gave an emphatic nod.

"Right then I'd better get this up to Brooks. Hopefully we can get the bruising down because I don't think he liked Matt's suggestion that he borrow some of my make-up to cover the bruise for the photos." Kelly picked up the ice pack and headed for the stairs.

"You know I don't know why he doesn't take Mel up on her offer to drive out to the rainforest to grab a couple of leeches to suck the bruise out," Johnny called after her. That had been a fucking hoot! He'd thought that Brooks was going to hurl.

He glanced at the time on the oven. Still early but not quite so early that he'd be a total asshole for waking his friends. It was the big day. Matt was about to lock himself down in holy matrimony to the lovely Caitie. No wonder Matt was so on edge, no way did he want to fuck up and give one of the best things that had ever happened to him a reason to call off or postpone the wedding. It had taken a lot of convincing for Matt to persuade Caitie to forgo an engagement party and skip straight to a wedding in her home country instead. Caitie had wanted to wait out of respect for Matt's late wife Val but when Matt had seen the look on his fiancée's face when she'd found out about her sisters pregnancy he'd wanted to get on the fast track to knocking her up. Matt's determination to add another child to their household was a little difficult to understand. It wasn't that Johnny didn't like kids, hell he was a huge fan of his child, but they were a lot of work. He was glad that for him and Lacey this was a child free vacation.

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