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Johnny stood on the deck taking in the view of the ocean. It wasn't just a nice view, fucking spectacular was what it was.

"You grew up here?" he turned to Steph open mouthed. Why the fuck had she ever left?

Steph gave him an embarrassed little shrug. "Ryan and I both did." Johnny couldn't help but notice the brief flash of sadness in her eyes when she mentioned her brother. It must have been hard for her to be in the place where they'd spent so much time. He could understand that. Jimmy had been a brother to him and although it had been almost nine years since he'd passed sometimes a memory would strike him out of the blue and almost bring him to his knees.

"Oh yeah," Brian smirked coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her, "We're going to defile her childhood bedroom."

"Are you sure about that son?" Steph's dad Aaron loomed over Brian with a raised eyebrow. Johnny stifled a laugh as Brian swallowed hard and released Steph as he turned to face her big, lumberjack looking father.

"I plan to treat your daughter with the utmost of respect whilst under your roof sir," Brian assured him, when Aaron gave a low rumbling growl in response he hurried quickly on, "and of course when we're not under it as well."

Aaron clapped Brian on the shoulder. "That's what I thought you meant." He gave his daughter a wink.

Johnny couldn't help but offer up a fist bump to Aaron who responded with a chuckle. "I've gotta say Aaron, I'm pretty glad I'm not the one dating your daughter," Johnny grinned at him.

"You're not the only one Johnny," Aaron propped his hands on his hips and looked out at the water. The pose made his ink covered biceps flex under his t-shirt. The guy was the epitome of cool and his general zero fucks to give attitude was one that Johnny couldn't help but aspire to. No wonder Steph had been underwhelmed by Brian the first time she'd met him all those years ago, her father had given her an expectation of high standards when it came to men.

"But I have to admit," Aaron turned his head to look at Johnny who felt like a bug under a microscope, "you're a pretty good husband and father." Johnny felt a swell of pride at the recognition and pushed back the guilt that rose up over lying to Lacey.

"Dad," Steph spoke up, it wasn't exactly a whine but there was a hint of stroppy teenager in her tone. She tipped her head toward Brian who was standing on the edge of the deck pouting. Aaron rolled his eyes at Johnny. Oh yeah Aaron I get it the guy can be a fuckin' princess sometimes.

"Oh and Brian, you're not too bad either buddy," Aaron called out giving Brian a thumbs up. Johnny choked back a laugh at that underwhelming show of approval.

"Errr, thanks Aaron," Brian replied uncertain if he was being mocked or not.

Shit. This was meant to be a vacation, not an angst filled examination of their abilities as husbands and fathers. Johnny knew that although Brian was all in and one hundred percent committed to Steph he still felt some residual guilt over the failure of his marriage to Michelle. The idiot. Did he honestly think that there was anything to feel guilty over when not only was Michelle good friends with Steph but when she'd joined them all on this vacation?

It was time to take some action to get everyone's thoughts of the relationship crazy train. Tossing his phone to Aaron, who caught it one handed, Johnny took off in a print toward Brian who was standing on the edge of the pool.

Steph shrieked, "Brian! He's coming in hot!" Brian had just enough time to glance up and fling his phone away from the pool before Johnny tackled him and they both flew into the pool with a splash. Johnny surfaced and slicked his Mohawk back. Wow, the water temperature was not what was to be expected in December but then he had to remember that it was summer in Australia.

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