I'm On A Boat

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If the hangovers following Matt and Caitie's wedding had been bad the ones following Steph and Brian's wedding were in a whole other category. A band playing a dive bar compared to a band playing stadiums level of different. There had been no noise restrictions out in the valley and the party had kicked on well into the night. Johnny had known a moment of anxiety at the thought that the hangovers could possibly last several days. It wasn't that he cared about his friends' suffering it was just that anyone already puking their guts up wasn't going to be super inclined toward a day out on the water.

Fortunately after a full day of cautious lazing beside Mel and Aaron's pool and the judicious consumption of grease and carbohydrates everyone was fully restored to health and ready to hit the high seas. Lacey was still sleeping peacefully completely unaware of what the day held in store for her as Johnny slipped out of their room and bounded downstairs.

"Morning Brooks!" he chirped to his friend who was busy making coffee. The scent of the grinding beans had him drifting over in search of his favourite way to start the morning. "Is that for me?" He made a grab for one of the mugs. Brooks pulled it back away from him and some of the hot liquid splashed out.

"Shit," Brooks swore shaking his hand. The hot coffee had nailed him.

"Sorry man," Johnny apologised and nabbed the mug as Brooks flicked on the cold tap and ran his hand underneath. You snooze you lose right? And Johnny had staked a claim on that coffee.

"I fucking give up," Brooks slumped against the sink his shoulders hunched. "I'll be going home in a coffin; either that or they dump my body at sea later today."

Johnny shot him a sympathetic look. The poor guy seemed to be a bit down. Kelly was right he did seem to be suspicious and he wasn't taking it well. With a shrug of his shoulders he took another sip of his stolen coffee. It would all be over soon and all the secrets would be revealed. He couldn't help the spring in his step as he left Brooks to his misery in the kitchen and went in search of Brian and Steph.

"Morning lovers," he greeted the newlyweds and frowned as Brian snatched the coffee from his hand. "Hey! That was mine!"

Brian scoffed, "Don't even fucking pretend you made that."

"Ready for a day out on the water?"

"Why do we have to do this again?" Brian's groan made it clear that, no, he was not ready for a day out on the water.

"Because my dad planned this great day out for us all and it will be fun," Steph leaned into her husband and gave him a gentle elbow to the ribs. Ah yes, Steph's dad. Aaron was the only one privy to Johnny and Kelly's planning, probably because something he'd said had been what had led to the entire scheme in the first place.

"But I want to spend some alone time with my wife," Brian whined.

"Dude, you already got to do that yesterday. The two of you barely appeared downstairs," Johnny responded with a snort.

"Let me clarify, I want to spend some non-hungover alone time with my wife." Brian tugged Steph into his lap and buried his face into her neck.

"Suck it up princess you're coming with us," Johnny clapped his friend on the back. Brian's response was to mash his lips against Steph's and flip Johnny the bird. Still he didn't outright say no to the boat trip so it counted as a win.

Stealing back his coffee Johnny sauntered off whistling a jaunty tune. It was going to be an epic day.


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