Breaking Hearts and Suprises

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This is a trigger we're sorry there's so many. We love you all and if you self harm, talk to us. It's not worth it. We have a friend who used to cut and it's the worst feeling ever to know that someone you are so close to, does something to harm themselves. We love all of you- TheNameTwins

Raiylynn's P.O.V

I woke up at noon today because I was up all last night yalking with Zayn about my dilemmas. "I don't know what to do." I groaned at Zayn. "Well which one do you like the most?" He asked me then walked out of the room leaving me ponder the question. So I decided that I like them both equally, each has something the others dont like Lukes blue eyes, They are so innocent. But Ashtons Hazel eyes seem broken, distant. Ashton has this thing were he tries to make others happy,but Luke does that naturally.

Well so I have like 3 hours to get ready for our date, I feel guilty calling it that. But I have to shower so I go do that first. Then I get my outfit, ripped blue jeans, a red plaid shirt with a dark grey tank underneath, and My black converse. I do my hair half up and brush my bangs to the side. and I look at the time to see I have about 45 minutes left so I plopped down and read some more of Paper Towns by John Green.

And before I know it, There is a knock on the door. I get up and adjust my oufit and slip a black bandanna on my wrist. I open the door to greet Luke he is in tan shorts and a band tee with his blonde hair hidden under a beanie. "Hey Luke so were are we headed of too?" I asked giving him a hug.

"It's a suprise Raiylynn." He told me sternly. Probably to make sure I don't hound him. "Okay" I said smiling and he grabbed my hand. He lead me to a car that he can't drive. So when we got in I saw the driver was Harry. "Hey Raiylynn." Harry greated me.

"So is this alright to wear?" I asked Luke glancing down at my oufit. "Perfect but you'll want to get changed for our first activitey." He told me doing a once over then looking back in my eyes. A true gentlemen.

When we were getting closer, he pulled out a blind fold but I saw before is woods. After he covered my eyes with the blindfold we drove for a good 5 more minutes. Then Harry pulled the car to a stop. Luke got out first and then helped me out. He lead me somewhere and gave me a bag then told me to take the blindfold off.

When I did he was no where in sight, all I saw was trees surrounding me. I open the bag and saw, Black protective gear, goggles, a note, ammo and....... a black paintball gun. The note read, ' Raiylynn, I decided to do something a bit different, paintball then another suprise, -Luke

This is so adorable! Luke probably asked Louis. I've been begging him to take me paintballing back in Doncaster, this is so cool! I quickly geared up, loaded my gun and started looking for Luke, I saw his Black Beanie and shot it of his head.

He looked flabergasted, Oh and did I mention I did archery and was basiclly a sure shot? Guess not. He stared at me and tried to shoot me but I ducked and shot him in the chest. "How are you doing that?" He shouted. "Mmmm, I am a sure shot in archery back at Doncaster." I told him, smirked and shot him again. Then there was a paintball flying at me from somewhere else.

It hit me in the arm. God those hurt! I turn and saw all of One Direction and 5 seconds of summer step out from behind trees. I started firing at all of them, hitting them all then ran off. When I saw Ashton I looked into his eyes then shot him, I dont know why but it seemed like I betrayed him by shooting him.

After a while, we were done, And I was hit the least, I'm Katniss Everdean!!! The boys were exsausted, so they went home while Luke and I went on the rest of our date. He led me further into the woods and there was a basket set up, I looked at Luke to see if this was the last of our date. He just smirked at me.

" C'mon Rai, I have a place we need to go before we eat." Luke said picking up the basket and walking off. So I scampered off to catch up with him and his long legs. We head up a hill and I just now notice that the sun is about to set, "It's beautiful!" I gasped quietly. Luke just started setting up the picnic, smiling at me.

After he finished I sat down (They are out of there gear now) and layed my head on his shoulder. This seemed nice! I looked up at him, "So whats on the menu for tonight Mr. Hemmings?" I asked polietly giving him a small smile. He opened the picnic basket and pulled out Subway. "I honestly had no idea what to get you so I got us both subway melts with lettuce and tomato." He told me honestly. I pecked him on the cheek, "Good becuse that is my favorite." I told him as he blushed.

After we ate we just chatted about everything and nothig at the same time. It was perfect and It ended perfectly with a kiss. I was looking at him talking about our first kisses and I told him that mine was my best friend Dylan, His was his ex grilfriend, Alexia. But then he leaned in a little and wispered "Will you be my next kiss?" he asked and then kissed me.

Ashton's P.O.V

I knew it! Raiylynn didn't like me! She felt sorry, they all do. Well not this time as I grabbed my extra blade and went to my wrist, but I saw what she wrote "I won't give up, even when the skies get rough' And so I didn't cut my wrist. I'm trying to get better, for her even if she doesn't care.

She has everything I need but I'm what she doesn't want. An overweight, Self harming loser. I think I'm holding her back, she's happy with Luke. Not with me. And she never will be.

Omg everyone! So Little Miss Nerdy wrote this but I (Arrow) edited it and honestly this is great the end is pretty depressing so sorry if it triggers anyone. I'm also sorry I was supposed to write this chapter but I've been sick. I might do next chapter .

QOTD: Rake (Luke and Rai) or Rashton (Ashton and Rai)

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