Chapter 2

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Tired, frustrated and lacking a sense of direction, I decided to get some rest. I needed it so badly to refreshen myself up before  continuing my journey. I stopped at the first hotel I saw along the road. It was a small hotel probably with not many rooms.

It didn't have an impressive look on the outside, but I didn't mind. I needed a place to relax before I continued my journey. What I liked about it was that it had a parking space and a strong front gate which I believe was locked at night.

I went into the parking lot and after parking my SUV, I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. I didn't want to give the impression I was deeply worried. In fact, I didn't want to give off the least sign that something was terribly wrong.

I brought out my makeup kit from my hand bag and gave my face a good polish. I combed my hair and then added a touch of my favorite perfume, Chanel No. 5. I was all set to go into the hotel pretending as if nothing had ever happened.

But deep down, I was in shock at the state in which I saw my husband. It bothered me  how  I was with him a few hours ago, and then in just a split moment, the time to see my friend and come back, he was lying in a pool of blood.

I looked into the rear view mirror and found myself looking unsuspectingly good. Taking a deep breath, I came out of my car taking with me, my handbag. I grabbed the bag full of dollar bills, and then walked up to the front door of the hotel. A man opened the door for me.

"Welcome madame."  He greeted. I looked at him and smiled when he opened the door. Dressed in black, I had the impression he was employed as security. It made me wonder why such a small hotel would hire a security personnel.

When I went in, he was about to take the bag full of dollars, but I clutched onto it like it was my life insurance.
"It's alright don't bother yourself."
"No problem, madame." He bowed his head down and then moved aside for me to pass to reception.

"Welcome madame, how was your journey?" It was the good-looking receptionist asking me that question. I looked at her and smiled.

"I just need a comfortable room with a good view of the outside."
"Very well madame, you are in the right place. I know exactly what you want." She brought out the registry book and after I signed and paid, she got the key to my room.

When we got to the room and entered, I saw her quickly rush towards the window. She then drew the curtains apart.
"Madame from this window you can see the front of the hotel and the parking lot."  I stood and watched her as she kept describing how I had made the best choice of this very room. She then concluded by telling me, that I would be happy with it for the duration of my stay.

I walked up to her and looked outside the window. My SUV was neatly parked like it had never been driven for a long time. A  smile lit my face when I saw it. My eyes quickly moved from it, to survey the front entrance gate. It was open, and this got me a little worried.

"The front gate, is it always open?" I asked turning and facing the receptionist.
"No madame."
"So why is it open now?" Peering down into the parking lot, the strangest feeling came to me. I turned and faced her again waiting for her response. But just then  I heard a man shouting her name.
"Nneka! Nneka!" Footsteps were coming towards our direction and I knew it was probably her boss.
"Sir, I'm coming, Sir." She didn't need to excuse me before leaving my sight.
"Nneka where have you been..." The man stopped in front of the open door of my hotel room. He couldn't finishing what he was saying. I guess he was taken aback when he saw me.

He stood fixed to the doorpost and couldn't move. For a few seconds he stared at me looking straight into my eyes like he had seen a ghost. I was laughing inside me while I shot him a smile.

"I'm not a ghost." I said. He blinked several times before he answered me.
"Its the first time sunlight is entering my hotel." He broadened the smile on his face showing off his teeth. He then came forward and held my hand to shake me. I noticed the smear look on the receptionist's face as she turned and faced the window.

"Sunshine, you are  welcome to my hotel. I am both owner and general manager. My name is Chuks Eze but friends call me Chuks." 

He was a good-looking tall handsome guy, probably in his late forties. I stared at him from head to toe. He wasn't my type; at least not the kind I'd take home to my parents.

But I had a feeling my stay in his hotel wasn't going to be a disappointing one.

"Olutola is my name. Friends call me Tola." We stared at each other making the receptionist look at both of us. When Chuks noticed it, he came down on her with some authority.
"Nneka, have you finished with Sunshine?"
"Well I was just..." The boss didn't allow her to finish what she was saying.
"Look go back to your reception. I'm sure there are people waiting down there to book. Go." His hands went for her shoulder and as if he was pushing her, he led her to the door and when she went out he closed the door.

"Sorry for the  inconvenience you just had. Er what is that your name again?"
"Tola." I smiled at him.
"So Sunshine, I mean Tola, I keep calling you Sunshine, but er..."


I liked the name, it sounded nice. A break from the past was what I needed. The name Sunshine was taking me away from my recent blood-ridden past.

"Sunshine is good. I like it and I don't mind you calling me that name." As usual I held out a smile to hide the deep wound buried inside me.

"That's good. Well like I was about to say when you interrupted me, excuse the poor reception you just received from my staff." His shining teeth glared at me.
"Oh no manager, your staff did a nice job. In fact she addressed me politely..."
"Well I'm happy to hear that." He stared at me again and then walked up to the window and looked out.

"I see a white SUV out there. That must be yours, right?" He turned from the curtain and gave me a stare that smelled of suspicion. What was he suspecting me of? I began to shiver a bit as he moved closer to me.

"Sunshine? I hope  everything is alright?" There was a moment of silence when he said that. I couldn't figure out what he meant by asking if I was alright. But I reasoned he wanted to know if I was alone.
"Why do you ask?" I managed to say

"Why I ask is because the last visit here wasn't a pleasant one." My heart beat fast as he spoke. God, is he going to tell me to leave? I can't,I'm just too tired to continue my journey.

"She was beautiful just like you. In fact seeing you is like seeing that same woman again."  He walked up to the door and placed his hand on the door knob.

"You know what happened to her?"  As he held the door knob with his right hand, his left hand went to his hips. "She was accused of stealing money. Some hired killers came after her in this very hotel and dragged her out of her room and took her far away."

He opened the door and walked out closing the door as he left. I heaved a sigh of relief when he left. I could finally relax myself before leaving again. The first thing I did when he left was to take a quick shower.

After my shower I called reception to bring me something to eat and drink in my room.
I relaxed and waited. When the sound of a knock hit my room door I got up to open it.

"Sunshine." The smile on his face was evident. Chuks himself had brought what I ordered for.

"Aha, Oga Chuks, you shouldn't be doing this now." I said as I reluctantly opened the door for him to come in.
"Sunshine, don't annoy me o. I told you since you came into this hotel there is sunlight. So I have decided to personally serve you until the day you leave."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. I don't know what this guy wants from me but I decided it was better not to argue with him, but to accept the strange kindness he was offering.

"Oga Chuks, Oga Chuks you dey find my trouble o." I pointed a finger at him as I said that and it made him laugh.
"Sunshine, na only me go find your trouble and nobody else. Don't worry you will have the best of the best service here. This one that I brought is just the beginning."
"Oga Chuks I am expensive o. I am expensive."
We all laughed over it and after a few minutes he left my room.

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