Chapter 45

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Finally, after reading the entire documents, I was asked if I had questions. The only question I really wanted to ask, had already been answered. The five companies were owned respectively by the three sisters, Ola's father and his half brother.

I looked at everybody in the room and told my father's lawyer that I had no questions to ask. But on second thought, I wanted to know what happened to Ola's remains and where he was buried.

I quickly called the attention of my father's lawyer and told him if he could ask the question to the family. He faced the family and told them what I wanted to know.

"My client says she would like to know what happened to the remains of her late husband. And that if no burial ceremony of any kind has been performed yet, she would like to see his remains." There was silence and agitation among them. The Segun family all got together and rumored among  themselves.

After about a few minutes, Ola's father through his lawyer told us that my request was something that had been done and long forgotten. This meant that Ola had already been buried and forgotten. I almost shouted at hearing this. But looking at my father I kept quiet and relaxed.

Finally the papers were in front of me and I had to sign them. A pen was passed on to me and I held it ready to sign. My father's lawyer pointed to the place where I had to sign.

I was about to sign when I felt dizzy. I couldn't tell why this was happening, but I felt like something was weighing me down. I became  weaker and weaker much to the surprise of everyone around. My eyes were slowly closing and every image around me became blurry. Suddenly I closed my eyes. Like a vision before me, I saw him. I saw Ola and by all indications, he was alive. 

He looked healthy and strong and seemed to be living quite well. When what seemed like a vision passed, I was able to open my eyes  and look around. Everyone was staring at me, probably wondering what had happened to me.

My father quickly got up and came and held me when he noticed I was about to faint. I fainted and everywhere around me became lifeless. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the hospital. Staring at me were my parents.

"Papa Tola, what really happened?" My mother asked my father.

"She fainted and so we had to rush her down here of course."

"So you mean just like that she fainted?" My father nodded. She then sat down on the bed beside me and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Tola didn't you eat before you left the house?" I was unable to give her a reply as I was still in shock at finding out that Ola was alive and living another life and probably with some other woman. It couldn't be true. It just can't happen. Why would he do that? Why would he fake his death just to be with someone else? I asked myself.

Tears had started filling my eyes as I kept thinking about how much I had gone through, all because I was searching for answers. My mother saw my tears and took her cloth and wiped them.

"Tola why are you crying, did you fall, are you feeling pain?" She asked incessantly.

"No." I replied. My father looked at me and smiled.

"I guess she has a different kind of pain." He  said much to the surprise of my mother.

"Papa Tola, pain is pain why should her own be different?"

"Maybe it's something someone else can cure." I frowned as my father made that joke. He perhaps knew that my problem was Ola. He had seen me faint and may have  guessed that I had seen something.

" Don't worry, Tola. I know you are strong, so you will get over this too." He said and walked out of the ward. I was alone with my mother and  clutched her hand. She looked at me and my tear-filled eyes.

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