Chapter 46

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I wasn't sure if the person I saw was Ola. But thinking about it over and over again, while still in bed, I was convinced that it was him. He was still alive. Thank God I did not sign the documents. I had fainted the moment I was about to put my signature on the papers.

Since I was rushed to the hospital the signing of the documents had to be postponed. Now I have to confirm what I saw in my vision.

Truly if Ola was still alive, then he is still in Lagos. I have to find him. I have to find him and ask him what is going on. I didn't know where to start from or who to ask. But I still had his number.

And so I made an attempt at calling his number. I knew if he saw my number he might not pick up the call. And so I hid my number through the phone setting and then dialled his number.

"Tolan Consultancy, how may I help you?" A female voice at the  other end answered the call. My heart was beating fast. I couldn't believe that Ola was still alive, but I had to be sure.

"Hello?" The woman asked, repeatedly. I ignored her and cut the call. I jumped out of bed and dressed up.

I hurriedly took my bag and rushed out of the house also ignoring my mother. Once outside the house I stopped at the nearest supermarket and called up my former colleague, Femi. I needed directions to the place and I knew he would help me out.

"Ah, Tola na wao...,"
"Femi, help me find the address of Tolan Consultancy abeg quick."
"Ha Tola, I am not your GPS o."
"Don't worry, just look this one up for me please. It's important."
"This will cost you like one million naira o." He said.
"Just to look up an address? Ha Femi greediness no good o"
I'm joking before you see it as exploitation."
"Better " I replied.
"Okay, look Tola, the company is in V.I. I'll text you the address immediately." I cut the call and waited for the message to arrive. When it arrived, I drove down to Victoria Island.

With the address Femi had sent me, I was able to locate the building and then the office. I got out of my car and went into the  building and asked the receptionist for directions to the office.

Just as the receptionist was giving me  directions, a man walked past me distracting me. From the way he walked I had the impression it was Ola himself. I was tempted to ask him, and did just that.

"Excuse me." I said to the man, completely ignoring the receptionist. The man stopped and turned. When our eyes met I could see those deep penetrating stares Ola used to give me. I smiled deep within me that I had found him.

"Yes, how my I help you madam?" He asked surprisingly. I wanted to smile but lost the desire to smile. I stood dumbfounded and couldn't say a word. I knew it was him standing opposite me. I can't be wrong, I told myself.

"I was going to Tolan Consultancy and I thought you could help me." I replied, still looking at him.
"Come with me." He said smiling. He first talked to the receptionist and then told me to follow him. I followed him through a long corridor and then towards the end of the corridor he pointed at a door.

"There, you see that door? That's the office." He said. I stood staring at him unable to take my eyes off of him.

"Is there anything else, madam?" He asked
"No, I mean, thank you." He nodded and entered into one of the offices and closed the door much to my surprise. I stood there for a few minutes before I headed for the office he had told me was the consultancy.

I opened the door and went in and was welcomed by a woman I imagined was the secretary. When she saw me she got up from what she was doing and came towards me.

"Welcome madam how may I help you?" She asked. I took a deep breath before I answered her.

"I, I em want to speak to Mr. Ola Segun." I said, my heart beating fast.
"Do you have an appointment?" The woman asked.
"Sorry, I mean, I don't...,"
"Madam if you want to see oga, it is by appointment only. Just coming to the office like this we can call security to send you out." I frowned my disappointment as the secretary told me I had to take an appointment. But nonetheless I agreed.

"Well in that case, I would like to take an appointment."
"Meet the receptionist at the entrance and book. Leave your name and the purpose of your visit. She will pass it on to us." I thanked her and left. I went to the receptionist at the entrance and left my name and the purpose of my taking the appointment. I was hoping to have a chance to speak with Ola.

I was eager to ask him what happened and why he had treated me this way. But after making five trips to Victoria Island, I was unable to see him. It was either he was too busy or he wasn't at work was the reply I always got.

I decided to make one last attempt. It was a Thursday morning and still bothered, I drove once again down to Victoria Island. I arrived at the office building very early at around 8:45 am. I parked my car opposite the office building and waited inside.

At exactly 9am, a car stopped in front of the building.  I looked at the driver of the car, it was a woman. I looked at the woman to see if I could recognize her. But she wasn't familiar to me. After a brief chat with the woman, the front passenger door opened and a man came down.

He waved at the woman and closed the door. As the woman drove off I looked at the man. It was Ola. I quickly jumped down from my car and ran across the street to meet him.

"Excuse me." I said. The man turned and looked at me. He looked at me and blinked several times.
"Are you not that woman that came the other day looking for Tolan Consultancy?"

"Yes, in fact you directed me to the office."
"So what can I do for you, this time?"
"Sorry I have to ask, but are you not Ola Segun?"
"Yes, but how did you know my name and have we met before?" I was about to smile and embrace him.

But when he asked me how I knew him, my jaws dropped. I was filled with anger. How could the man I was married to not recognize me?
"My name is Tola Segun. I am your wife, remember?" I showed him my ring finger. I then searched my bag for photos of us.
"See these are photos of us." I said showing him the pictures. He blinked with each picture I showed him. Then he looked at me.

"Madam I don't remember having an affair with this woman. My wife was the one who left a few minutes ago." With that he left me and was going inside the building much to my surprise.

I was at a loss. Ola didn't recognize me, or was he pretending? I had to go back to my car and  think of what to do next. I had just got into my car and was about to close the door, when a hand grabbed me and pulled me out.

It was him. The same man I had asked if he was Ola. He pulled me out with a force that almost made me fall. He then held me and pushed me against the car. Immediately his left hand grabbed my neck.

"Listen lady, I don't know why you keep coming here asking for Ola. I do not like people following me up and down, you hear me?" He was slowly squeezing my neck while he said that, making me gasp for breath.

"Ola leave me. Ola please, leave me." I implored. Tears were rolling down my eyes fast. Seeing the tears, he slowly removed his hands. But the look on his face was menacing.

"The next time you stalk me, I'll have the police arrest you. Now get out of here and don't you ever come back looking for me. I don't know you and have never met you!" He said angrily while pointing a finger at me.

With that he walked away leaving me with my eyes filled with tears. I went back into the car again and sat down crying as I couldn't believe the man I had so much loved could reduce me like this.

I was torn apart and unable to understand why I had to go through all of this. In between tears, I kept asking myself  what my fault really was. Then my phone rang and I looked at the name on the display. It was my mother. I hurriedly wiped my tears and adjusted my voice.

"Hello, mummy."
"Ah Tola, where are you? Your father said he hasn't seen you at work yet and wants to know if you have left the house?" I didn't reply immediately as my eyes were focused on the street and the increasing traffic.

"Mum? I'm on my way to the office."
"I hope you are alright, Tola?" She asked.
"I'm fine. But why do you ask?"
"Because I see that you leave the house early these days, and when you come back, you hardly eat. What is the problem?" I sighed.
"Mum everything is alright and everything will be fine."

I cut the call and switched my phone off because in that moment, a security man came  outside with his gun hanging down his left hips. One look at him gave me an idea. An idea, which I decided to try.

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