Teen spy

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Sage P.O.V

Haaa.... back to school. Start work, wake up early, travel with transport, learn, write tests, endure the tiring and boring lessons,... you probably see where I'm going with this... I hate school!!!

Well hate is a strong word. I don't hate it I just... hate waking up early and doing work but I love learning new things... sometimes and I love seeing my friends.

Why holiday ?! Why?! Why did you have to leave me and go but not to worry we'll see each other again.

I had a splendid holiday but I also had a last minute mission before Christmas...Oh wait that's right I forgot! I didn't introduce myself cause I just started rambling on about school and how it's going to start... so rude of me any way let me introduce myself.

I'm Sage Greenstone, an ordinary teenager that goes to highschool and does...teenager things? Well that's what I tell everyone when I meet someone new but you don't live in my world so you can know my secret.

I'm a spy. I'm a kid spy...oh wait I'm not a kid anymore...I am but I won't be considered as a kid in my agency. I'm a teen spy to be precise 'because I'm 14' as Roda would say, the head of the youth spy department (YSD). I'm a spy in the Under cover Protection Agency( UcPA). I go under cover on missions, kickbutt and do other spy stuff.

Do my parents know I'm a spy? No. Why? Because they're imprisoned. I'm joking...joking ! Our agency has the most modern technology so they created an android version of each 'kid' spy which will be used when ever we are on missions so people don't get suspicious of our absence.

We are not allowed to let anyone know that we are spies because it could put their lives and the agency in danger.

So no one knows I'm a spy and when I'm on a mission my android covers for me. She's programmed to act how I would. They better have  programmed her right because it'll make me look like a fool if it says something wrong!

Okay okay enough explaining I'm sure you understand spy stuff because you won't be reading this. Right?

Anyway back to what I was talking about. My mission before Christmas. Yeah I messed up like big time! I did the mission alone so with no one to help ,except for Stacey on the other side of the microphone, I caused some big shit!

So I'm going to explain exactly what happened. Well in the next chapter I'll say what happened.

Hey everyone! I decided to start with this book but the first 2 chapters are short since they are introductions to the actual story. You can skip it if you want and go straight on to chapter 3 because this 2 chapters is just to briefly explain. But if you think you might get lost read them.

Okiii byeeeeee!

Rainbowcorn20 out !

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