Chapter 8

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After a bit of encouragement from both Aiden and Kim, Skylar decided she wasn't going to let her friends down and she will succeed. She took in a deep breath and was ready to put her plan into motion. Her sick act would be convincible to the class because her stressing and holding her head the entire time made it seem as if she was sick.

Okay! I can do this! It's go time!

She held her head again and let out a groan. Khader, who was sitting next to her, didn't seem to notice and was still busy with her work.


She groaned even louder and this time put her head on the desk and spread her arms out.

"Huh?" Khader looked at Skylar with a concerning look and placed a hand on her back. " Hey, you okay?"

Heheh. I got her attention. Skylar thought with a smirk spread across her face.

"No. I don't ... feel too good. I... feel ... I-I need to go home." Skylar said in a soft tone and sounded as if she was out of breath.

Khader felt sorry for her and raised her hand to tell the teacher about Skylar's current situation. The teacher allowed Skylar to take an early leave from school. As Skylar packed her bag, Aiden and Kim mouthed a ' Well done' and 'Finally'. She gave them a smile and headed out the door.

Yes! I'm finally in action.I can do it! I can do it!I can-

"Oww." I groaned." Thanks a lot...floor." she mumbled and slowly got up from the floor. Not the first time I tripped on a desk leg. What a good way to boost my confidence, huh?

Skylar sees Aiden and Kim's expressions turn around. They both gave weird smiles and the rest of the class stared.

"I'm okay." she says and runs out the door to avoid further embarrassment.


I held my phone in my hand and tapped it anxiously against my palm, still waiting for a response from Skylar.

"Do you think she gave up?" Arlena asked sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"I don't think so. Maybe there was a delay." Jasmin said leaning against the wall. We all grew tired waiting yet I kept walking to and fro, expecting a phone call.

"Well whatever it is...we're running out of time." I sya at peak behind the wall to see if anyone is coming.

"You're gonna get dizzy like that, y'know?" Arlena says closing her eyes and leaning her head against the wall.

"Yeah. Just stay still. You're making me anxious." Jasmin takes a seat next to Arlena,"Gum?" Arlena refuses and Jasmin tosses a piece of gum in her mouth.

I roll my eyes at them and go back to the end of the wall to keep a look-out. I was suddenly shocked by music ...or my ringtone to be exact. I turn towards Jasmin and Arlena as they both wake up from the ground.

"Okay,I'll be there in 10 minutes." I end the call and look at them with a hopeful smile. " We're back on track!'

They both high-five each other and turn back to me when they see me holding and orange scarf.

"Oh and Sage..." Jasmin started,"Lose the scarf."

I fake pouted and handed them the scarf to hold. All I did now was leave my hair down, so my bangs cover my face, and put on the office coat.

"That's way less suspicious." Arlena said and we began to laugh.



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