Chapter 9

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"And that's were we go from here." I say, concluding the plan and explaining... again, why we're in this situation. They were obviously lost the first time.

" Uh-huh. Well judging by your description of Roda, I'm not too eager to go anymore." Skylar says, leaning back on the couch.

Everyone else nods in agreement.

"She's not that bad. You are just gonna have to deal with the lecture on your first encounter then after that she'll warm up to you."

"How long did it take for her to warm up to you?" Arlena asks, drinking a cup of tea. When did she make that?

" Well it didn't take that long. In about a week I think. " I say avoiding eye contact in hope they don't catch on to the lie.

It actually took quite a while to get used to Roda. Luckily Dean was there so we got close to her together. Even though we had to endure hundreds of lectures a day, constant reprimanding but we knew deep down she loved her own little way.

"Okay, I don't want to waste any more time explaining. The sooner we leave the sooner we can get to the bottom of this." I say waking up from my seat on the couch.

"Then we best be off!" Jasmin says and everyone gets up from their comfortable positions and head towards the door. I just stand behind them with my arms folded.

Everyone stops in their tracks. "Wait. Where are we being off to?" She asked.

I just mumbled idiot with a slight laugh and walked in front of them. Maybe this was a bad idea.




It was around three in the afternoon which means school has ended a while ago...WHICH MEANS that it was time to kidna- uh... I mean pick up Kim and Aiden.

We left Dean's house and headed towards Silver Ridge High. No we did not go on foot we went by car. You're probably thinking how can a bunch of fifteen year old girls drive a car? Well firstly this is a fictional book... Secondly, I'm a spy. The girls were also shocked that I know how to drive.

Let's just say the agency  doesn't only teach us how to fight. We learn things that can be useful even outside our undercover lives. Like driving various vehicles or speaking multiple languages. I can speak 4 different languages currently and will have to learn more as I grow.

Before we left to head towards the school I had to make sure the house was properly locked then lead the girls to a shed at the back. This may look like your ordinary, everyday tool shed, BUT it is actually not. When we all entered the shed I shut the door. Their was a rack of tools hanging on the wall. I pulled down the hammer and the entire rack split in two. There seemed to be a track against the wall which the two parts of the rail ran along to separate them.

"Woah." Skylar awed.

"It's about to get a whole lot better." I say and pull another lever that was behind the rack. Suddenly the floor disappeared and we all fell into a shoot.

"What the fudge tarts is happening?!" Arlena shouts as we all slide down.

The three girls were literally screaming their lungs out. I am used to this so I kept my cool but I thought my ear drums were going to explode with their shrieking.

We slowly reach the bottom which gently curves as we near the ground, just like a normal slide.

I hop of the slide with ease but the same didn't go for Skylar, Arlena and Jasmin. Skylar was about to barf, Arlena's legs turned to jelly out of fear and Jasmin was going to collapse out of dizziness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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