chapter 1:planning for the party ^1 month till the 18th birthday^

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Kali's POV

Ugh 1 more month till our 18th birthday. If you're wondering who else im including when i say our, i mean my 3 other twins. Vico (pronounced Vee-co), Jaegar, and Eda (Eee-da). We are planning our 18th birthday party today, every angel who is a somebody will be there.

We dont show it but we are sad that our mother and father wont be there for our big day when we finally get our wings. But what can we do. Right? Anyways enough of thinking about that, and back to planning our big day.

"KALI!!!" i sudenly hear my 3 twins all shouting at me. when i shake my head and look at them. "we have been shouting at you for 5 minutes!" they all say in sync. We worked on that to get it perfect to annoy people including our other 3 siblings.

"S-sorry i was just lost in thought" i say with a small sad looking smile. they all sudenly look worried.

"whats wrong Kali?" they all ask me in sync. i sigh and look down sadly.the 3 of them walk over and wrap their arms around me.

"i was thinking about how mother and father wont be here for our big day. Our 18th birthday and the day we finally get our wings." i sigh sadly as tears begin to fall out of all our eyes. Thats when Arael (pronounced A-ray-el) our oldest sibling walks in and sees us standing there, holding eachother crying.

"What's wrong guys?" asks walking around us and rubbing each of our backs. "you guys are the happiest people i know." he wraps his wings around us and waits till our sobbing turns into small hiccups.

"we just wish mother and father were here for our big day" we all say sadly, wiping our eyes and sniffling.

"I know. i wish they were here too." Arael says to us. "It gets hard to take care of all 6 of you." after awhile we are all feeling better and ae back to planning our party, and Arael has left us to our planning.

Sighing, Eda and I flick our waist long hair over our shoulders. we were always exactly the same, Eda and me. "I say we should have mostly red and black as our parties colours." The two of us say in sync. the guys stand there and stare at us.

"what? its not like you two to want dark colours....." they stop talking when they look at our eyes. "W-why are your eyes turning black and red...?" they guys stand there staring at us. "Arael! Ariel! Af!" They shout in sync. The 3 of them come rushing in.

"What is...." Ariel says but stops short when she sees our eyes. "g-guys...look at Kali's and Eda's eyes..." she says. Arael and Af are now looking at our eyes too. They gasp.  

We shake our heads. "what do you guys mean?" Eda and I ask in sync. Ariel holds up a mirror for us to look in. we jump back and scream in shock. "WHATS HAPPENING TO US?!?!" Vico and Jaegar start to walk towards us. "NO! Stay back. We dont want you to get hurt..."

Arael shakes his head. "I will go look this up in the books for you Kali and Eda." he says about to turn away when i gasp.

"Vico your eyes are pure white...and Jaegar your eyes are a pale sick-like greenish colour..." the others all rush towards us and look at their eyes. they all gasp.

"Y-your right" Ariel and Af, the other twins say in sync. "This isnt right. We have to go talk to the Archangels!" The 2 of them dissapear shortly after followed by Arael.


Cliff hanger i guess lol well there's the first chapter of Control or The End. i think i will upload one sometime tomorrow or 2 days from now. hope you enjoyed it. please vote and comment, i love to read what you think about it so far.


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