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On the night of October 31st 1981 Lily and James Potter left their two sons and daughter in the care of Peter Pettigrew. When they got back home to see their house in shambles they declared their son Charles the boy who lived.
They left their son and daughter in the rubble for a week before they remembered them.
As they grew up Lily and James focused on Charles not paying attention to Harry and Rose.
Ten years later
Harry stood in the doorway watching the guests enter for Charles birthday. Nobody even noticing Charles siblings were missing even.
"Harry forget them ok come on" Rose said pulling on my arm. I turned away and made my way back upstairs. I shrunk my trunk placing it in my pocket, Rose doing the same thing. Ever since Charles was declared the boy who lived Lily and James forgot about us their other two children. I looked at Rose who nodded. Our bedroom door opened and Hermione came in.
"Ready" she said I nodded and opened the window we climbed out and took off running. We made it to the randvous point. I leaned against the crumbling brick wall of the abandoned building. I looked at my watch 6:00pm. I looked over at the door as it opened I pulled out a dagger. Draco and Luna entered the room. I slipped my dagger back into the holder on my arm.
"Draco Luna damn you scared me I almost gutted you guys" I growled at then.
"Chill and we should ditch our names and get new ones" Hermione said.
"Ok from now on you can refer to me as   Viper" I said. We then decided Draco would be Sniper, Luna is Savage Hermione is Toxin, and Rose is Venom. I moved away from the door and up to the roof. I looked around the sun was set and the moon was rising providing the perfect cover to leave. I made my way back downstairs.
"Ok guys we can go now" I made sure my dagger on my arm was secured along with the one on my leg.
Lily P.O.V
A bad feeling washed over me, a feeling you get when your child is in danger. I pushed that feeling away and focused on Charles.
As the party progressed that feeling got worse and worse. I made my way over to James.
"James honey are we forgetting something" I asked the feeling was so strong.
"No I don't think so" he said. I nodded and made my way into the kitchen to get dinner onto the table. When I entered the kitchen I saw no dinner. That feeling hit me like a ton of bricks. I ran passed James who called to me but I ignored him taking the stairs two at a time.
When I got to the attic I pushed the door open. What I saw had me crumbling to the ground. Everything was gone my son and daughter gone.
"Lily" I felt arms wrap around me.
"James their gone everything is gone" I cried as everything we have done came back to me. We ignored our younger children all because of our eldest being the boy who lived.
"Lily have you seen Hermione. I looked up at Jane Granger. I stood up and sat on my children's bed. I saw a note I picked it up and started reading it.
Dear Lily and James Potter,
When you read this we will have left already. You ignored us and forgot about us for the past ten years. We will not be back as you only care for our brother Charles. Hermione is gone too as she can't stand being forced by her parents to marry Ronald Weasley. As a parting gift we have left you our wands.
I looked and saw three wands on the bed along with a brown package. I looked back at the note.
Beside the wands is a brown package inside are out Potter heirlooms and Granger heirlooms.
I opened the package and gasped tears flowing down. I held the Potter family rings along with the Granger family ring. There was also the family necklace that had protective charms on it to prevent Voldemort from finding them easily as long as they wear it.
You have ignored us and forgotten us many times over the past ten years since Charles supposedly killed Voldemort. You haven't cared about us you even left us in the rubble of the nursery for a week before you remembered us. Now you will not have to worry about us and you can focus on training Charles. Goodbye.
Harry, Rose and Hermione
I stared at the paper in shock, anger, disappointment and sadness. My emotions running wild. I was angry at myself for doing this to my youngest children. Sadness for ignoring my babies. Disappointment how we never payed more attention to them.
"Their gone James call Dumbledore right now" I picked up the package and ran downstairs into the kitchen. I went over to the fire place and flooed to Sirius and Remus's house.
"Lily we were just on our way over to your place for Charles, Harry and Roses birthday" Remus said.
"Their home Remus Harry and Rose they left because James and I cared more about Charles then them." I said.
"Lily that is not true" Remus started.
"Remus it is the only reason I knew they were gone because dinner wasn't cooked dinner I made my son and daughter cook they are eleven what is wrong with me"
"Nothing Lily now come on we will arrange a search party. That night we spent hours looking for them but nothing turned up.

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